A new record and redescription of Periclimenes kornii (Lo Bianco, 1903) (Crustacea, Decapoda, Palaemonidae) from the Straits of Gibraltar |
Michele de Saint-Laurent, José Enrique García-Raso |
An ovigerous female of an apparently unknow species of the genus Periclimenes, collected during the French Expedition BALGIM-84 in the Ibero-Morrocan Gulf and the Alboran Sea, has been identified as Periclimenes kornii (Lo Bianco, 1903). This species was described from juvenile, bathypelagic specimens collected in the vicinity of the island of Capri (Italy) and never found again, except for a damaged individual from the Bay OS Biscay. P. kornii is the single European member of the subgenus Harpilius Dana. |
Keywords: Crustacea Decapoda, Periclimenes, Spain. |
Sci. Mar. 57(1) : 101-104 |