Tectonics and paleoceanography in the northern sector of the Antarctic Peninsula: Preliminary results of HESANT 1992/93 cruise with the B/O HESPERIDES |
A. Maldonado, F. Aldaya, J.C. Balanya, J. Galindo-Zaldivar, R.A. Livermore, F. Miguel-Monseñe, J. Rodríguez-Fernández, M. Roussanov, C. Sanz de Galdeano, E. Suriñach and C. Viseras |
The boundaries between the plates located in the northern sector of the Antarctic Peninsula were investigated during the B10 HESPERIDES HESANT 92/93 cruise using multichannel seismic profiles, magnetometry, and multibeam echo sounding. The investigation focused on the analysis of the tectonic relationships between the main lithospheric elements of the area and the paleoceanographic evolution of the continental margins and basins during the Upper Cenozoic. The triple junction defined by the southern end of the Shackleton Fracture Zone, the South Shetland Trench and the South Scotia Ridge shows a compressive structure where tectonic blocks and deep rooted diapirs develop. The boundary between the Scotia and Antarctic plates is characterized by a succession of structural highs, which represent continental crustal blocks, and intervening transtensive basins bounded by strike-slip faults. The Powell Basin and the continental margins of the Antarctic Peninsula in the Weddell Sea show several evolutionary styles which may represent an asymmetric opening of the basin and the relative importance of extensional and strikeslip faults in its development. |
Keywords: Tectonic, paleoceanography, Antarctic Peninsula, seismic stratigraphy. |