Una metodología para la evaluación de los recursos pesqueros por hidroacústica en aguas someras |
F.R. Gerlotto, C. Claro, C. Hernández-Corujo and J.P. García-Arteaga |
METHODOLOGY TO EVALUATION OF FISHING RESOURCES BY ACOUSTIC METHODS IN SHALLOW WATERS. - Application of fisheries accoustics is made difficult in shallow waters, for technical reasons as well as by the behavioural characteristics of fish. The paper presents a survey methodology for shallow water (3-10 m), through the example of acoustic surveys on the SW platform of Cuba. The acoustic equipment used is classical (echo sounder SIMRAD EY-M), allowing survey from 1.5 meters below the transducer. Adaptations of acoustic methods concern the following points: deconvolution has been modified for application to depths less than 5 meters; biomass evaluations are obtained using a method which takes into account the specific diversity of the population; the survey has been designed to limiting the influence of fish behaviour, especially avoidance below the vessel; survey are done during new moon and are performed using a small craft at night; the best biomass index is obtained through echo counting and TS measurements "in situ". |
Keywords: Echointegration, hydroacoustics, behaviour, shallow waters, acoustic evaluation, methodology. |
Sci. Mar. 56(4) : 309-319 |