Biochemical parameters during reproduction of the toad fish, Halobatrachus didactylus (Schneider, 1801) |
M. Rosety, M. Blanco, M.L. González de Canales, A. Grau and M.C. Sarasquete |
Duringreproduction of Halobatrachus didactylus there are variations in thegonadosomatic and hepatosomatic indices. These variations are more marked infemales, with maximal values at the end of oogenesis and spermatogenesis. Serumcalcium concentration showed significant differences (P < 0.01), with highervalues in females and specially during the reproductive period (from January toApril). Hepatic and gonadal proteins also reach their maximum values in thisperiod. In gonads of both sexes the glucose concentration does not presentsignificant differences in relation to sex or to the degree of gonaddevelopment. High values of hepatic glucose are observed in males and femalesduring the non-reproductive period (from May to December). Acid (E.C. alkaline (E.C. phosphatase activities in gonad and liver did notshow significant differences in relation to sex and gonadal development. Acidphosphatase was higher in ovary than in testicle. In liver this enzymaticactivity was higher in females than in males, no matter what degree ofdevelopment of the ovary and testis. |
Keywords: Halobatrachus didactylus, calcium, glucoseproteins, phosphatase activities, reproduction. |