Comparative study of two populations of Anguilla anguilla (Linnaeus, 1758) eels from French Mediterranean lagoons (Bages-Sigean and Canet-Saint-Nazaire): age and population structure
Achmar Mallawa, Raymonde Lecomte-Finiger
The age and thestructure of the eel populations from two Mediterranean saline water lagoonswere compared. The eels were between 1 and 12 years old. Age groups II, III andIV were prevalent and age group IV was the most frequent in the samples. Smallsize groups (less than 35 cm) made up 95% of the catches, 75 to 80% of them measuring23 to 34 cm. It proved difficult to use statistical methods of age evaluationbecause of high growth variability in age groups.
Keywords: Age, population structure, eel, Mediterranean lagoons.
Sci. Mar. 56(1) : 1-6
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