Hydroids from the West African coast: Guinea Bissau, Namibia and South Africa |
J.M. Gili, W. Vervoort, F. Pagès |
The purpose of the present report is to provide a taxonomic account of the deep-water and shallow-water hydroids recorded by the cruises carried out by the Institut de Ciències del Mar, Barcelona, Spain, along three areas of the West African coast. The areas studied comprise the continental shelfs of Guinea Bissau and Namibia, the Walvis Ridge, the Valdivia Bank, the littoral zone of Namibia and some localities off the northermost part of South Africa. The hydroid collection numbers 50 species distributed over 12 families. The species were collected with hauls made between 0 and 1200 m depth: the most frequently occuring species being related with muddy to sandy bottoms. Illustrations are provided for all the species recorded, whilst data on morphology and distribution are given for the majority. |
Keywords: Hydropolips, taxonomy, distribution, Guinea Bissau, Namibia, South Africa. |