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Revisión de las especies de Owenidae (Annelida, Polychaeta) de la Península Ibérica
Daniel Martín

Revision of species belonging to the Owenidae (Annelida, Polychaeta) from the Iberian Peninsula Only two species of the Family Owenidae (Annelida, Polychaeta), Owenia fusiformis Delle Chiaje 1842, and Galathowenia oculata (Zask, 1922), have been collected in the Bay of Alfacs (Ebro Delta, NW Spain). Specimens of another species, Myriochele heeri Malmgrem 1867, from different zones of the Iberian Penninsula, supported the view that G. oculata has repeatedly been confused with M. heeri. References to M. heeri in the Polychaete fauna of the Iberian Penninsula should be transfered to G. oculata. In this area, the Owenidae include only two genera, Galathowenia and Owenia, each with on species. In the past, G. oculata has not been recorded as such from the Iberian coast.

Keywords: Galathowenia oculata, Owenidae, Polychaeta, Iberian Peninsula.
Contents of this volume Sci. Mar. 53(1) : 47-52 Back PDF
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