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Persistencia de la sincronía de la división celular en Prorocentrum triestinum Schiller (Dinophyceae)
Eduardo Costas and Victoria López-Rodas

PERSISTENCE OF CELL DIVISION SYNCHRONY IN Prorocentrum triestinum (DINOPHYCEAE) . – Prorocentrum triestinum shows a long time persisting circadian rhythm in cell division. The light-dark cycle synchronizes their cell division and this synchrony persist about 8 cycles under continuous light. Anyone of the previous stochastic or deterministic chronobiological models can not explain this persistence of cell division synchrony because neither inter-cells communication nor the similarity of free-running cell cycle period among cells maintain the synchrony. A inter-generational transmission of synchronizing information maintain this persisting circadian rhythm.

Keywords: Cell division, synchrony, persistence circadian rhythm, dinoflagellates.
Contents of this volume Sci. Mar. 54(3) : 263-267 Back PDF
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