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Morphometric analysis of sharks of the genus Carcharhinus Blainville, 1816: C. limbatus (Valenciennes, 1841) and C. brevipinna (Müller and Henle, 1841) from Mexican waters
D.A. Siqueiros-Beltrones

A comparison between the Mexican Atlantic and Pacific populations of C. limbatus and the C. brevipinna population in the Gulf of Mexico was done using a discriminant function analysis in several modalities, with 50 morphometric variables in proportional form. This way, a discriminant function for each paired comparison, and two functions for an overall analysis were computed. Observations on dental characteristics were also used, and dental formulae for the three populations were obtained. Based on the above, interspecific differences were outlined and the most important taxonomical morphometrics were determined. Also, a discrimination between the two C. limbatus populations was detected which suggests a separation at the subspecies level.

Keywords: Morphometrics, discriminant function; Carcharhinus limbatus, Carcharhinus brevipinna.
Contents of this volume Sci. Mar. 54(4) : 349-358 Back PDF
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