Mesoscale coupling between spatial distribution of planktonic cnidarians and hydrographic features along the Galician Coast (Northwestern Iberian Peninsula)
J.M. Gili, F. Pagès, X. Fusté
Special circumstances in the hydrodynamic pattern of water masses off the western Iberian Peninsula may create variations in the overall distribution pattern of planktonic cnidarians, leading to a greater degree of heterogeneity. An example of this was observed along the coasts of Galicia during October 1977, when greater concentrations of individuals were detected at some stations further from the coast, even though the major number of the species collected were meroplanktonic. These concentrations were accompanied by a progressive increase in individuals size of the most abundant species. This observed distribution pattern was correlated to a heterogeneous hydrographic pattern which gave rise to the transport of organisms towards specific zones.
Keywords:Pelagic cnidarians, spatial distribution, North West Iberian Penninsula.
Sci. Mar. 55(2) : 419-426
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