Taxonomía numérica de Nototheniidae en base a la forma de los otolitos
Antonio Lombarte, Jaime Rucabado, Jesús Matallanas, Domingo Lloris
NUMERICAL TAXONOMY OF NOTOTHENIIDAE USING OTOLITH PROFILES. A numerical approach has been used to analyze the profile of sagittae of fishes for systematic purposes. The methodological procedure follows these steps: otolith profile hand drawn using a drawing attachment coupled to a dissecting stereo microscope; obtained profiles are read by a TV camera coupled to a computer; the profile is digitized and filtered by means of appropriate image processing software and the center of gravity (c.g.) is computed; the digitized profile is resampled at isodistances from the profile point farthest from the c.g. and clockwise (100 new points for each profile) and the distances to the c.g. for each new point are computed. These sequential distances to the c.g. produce a numerical spectrum; spectra from different otoliths are treated by advanced statistical methods. 21 right side sagittae belonging to three genera of Nototheniidae (Eleginops, Paranotothenia and Patagonotothen) caught in the Beagle Channel (Tierra del Fuego, Argentina) have been analyzed by this method. The results are equivalent to those performed by external morphology, grouping species in regard to described phylogenetic criteria.
Keywords:image analysis, otoliths, Nototheniidae.
Sci. Mar. 55(2) : 413-418
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