Ciclo de maduración y puesta de la sardina española, Sardinops sagax (Jenyns, 1842) (Clupeidae), en la zona pesquera de Talcahuano, Chile (1984-1985) |
Javier Chong, Ciro Oyarzún, Eduardo Aguilera, Alberto Arrizaga |
MATURATION AND SPAWNING CYCLE OF THE PACIFIC SARDINE, Sardinops sagax (JENYNS, 1842) FROM THE FISHERY AREA OF TALCAHUANO, CHILE (1984-1985). - The results of a study of the reproductive cycle of Sardinops sagax (Jenyns) in the fishery area of Talcahuano, Chile, are presented. The analysis is based on histological examination and the gonadosomatic index (GSI). Furthermore, the condition factor and the length-weight relationship are analysed. Qualitative and quantitative histological descriptions of the different stages of gonadal maturation females of S. sagax are presented. Results show that a high percentage of the population can be found with mature ovaries and that ovocytes in different stages of maturity are present almost the whole year around. This confirms that the species is a partial (fractional) spawner with constant gonadic activity. Sardinops sagax in the Talcahuano area, shows a spawning period from April to October (maximum in August), and a period of low intensity between January and March. The absence of a secondary spawning event described during 1983-1984 is discussed in terms of "El Niño" phenomenon. Post ovulatory follicles (POF) were detected in twelve samplings during nine months of monitoring which support the finding of sardine eggs in the plankton almost all the year. |
Keywords: Reproduction, histology, Clupeidae, Sardinops sagax, South-east Pacific. |
Sci. Mar. 55(2) : 397-404 |