Medusae (Hydrozoa, Scyphozoa, Cubozoa) of the Benguela Current (southeastern Atlantic) |
F. Pagès, J.M. Gili, J. Bouillon |
This report provides a systematic account of the medusae collected from the southwest continental shelf of Africa between 0 and 200 m depth. The specimens were sampled by the cruises carried out by the Institut de Ciències del Mar (Barcelona, Spain) and the Sea Fisheries Research Institute (Cape Town, Republic of South Africa) from 1977 to 1986. The medusae represented 64 species distributed over three classes and 32 families. Illustrations are provided for all species recorded, and information on morphology and distribution are given for the majority. Four new species are described: two anthomedusae Leuckartiara adnata sp. n. and Dipurena baukalion sp. n., one leptomedusa Mitrocomella millardae sp. n., and the scyphomedusa Eupilema inexpectata sp. n. |
Keywords: Hydromedusae, Scyphomedusae, Cubomedusae, Systematics, Benguela Current, southeastern Atlantic. |
Sci. Mar. 56(Suppl.1) : 1-64 |