We are conscious that conservation strategies for our birds cannot be planned from only a local perspective. Only in a few animal groups, such in birds, the concept of public wealth is represented so properly. Their continuous displacements, migrations, their seemingly capricious choice of breeding, roost and wintering places, make necessary a real international action for their conservation. This is recognized in Conventions and Directives that insist on the planning and bring us to mind the extension of the meaning of our birds. For marine birds, apart of those characteristics, we have in mind their dependence on a resource which is not territorially restricted: the sea. Planning the conservation of waterfowl and terrestrial birds is difficult, but the conservation of marine birds creates new challenges, for which the government in charge of environmental matters must look for advice of specialist from a wide geographic range and from different disciplines. This book compiles a set of articles that arose following the communications presented in the 6th Mediterranean Symposium on Seabirds, held at Benidorm (Alicante, Spain), 11-15 October 2000. The meeting was organized by Conselleria de Medio Ambiente de la Generalitat Valenciana, the Benidorm Council, Institut Mediterrani de Estudis Avançats IMEDEA (CSIC-UIB), MedMarAvis and Seo/BirdLife. The meeting was financed by Conselleria de Medio Ambiente de la Generalitat Valenciana and UE Life project (B4-3200/98/447). The publication of this special issue has been possible thanks to financial support by Conselleria de Medio Ambiente de la Generalitat Valenciana and UE Life project (B4-3200/98/447). |