Sci. Mar. 59(Suppl.1): 1995 138 pages
Topics in marine benthos ecology
Edited by R. Sardà, J.D. Ros

The papers in this volume on Topics on Marine Benthos Ecology are a selection of the communications presented to the VIII Iberian Symposium on Marine Benthos Studies, held in February 1994 at Blanes (Spain). They cover a wide range of issues, from the physiology and photosynthesis of algae and seagrasses to the population dynamics of polychaeta, crustacea and molluscs -be it of commercial interest or not-, from long-term studies of infauna to changes brought about in benthic communities by pollution and invasor species, from larval development to monitoring by means of imaging methods. As a whole, they are a good sample of the different research fields now alive and well in marine benthos ecology, in the Iberian community and elsewhere.

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