Sci. Mar. 58(4): 1994
Age validation of
Caulolatilus affinis
, Gill 1865 (Pisces: Branchiostegidae) from the Gulf of California using otoliths
Juan F. Elorduy-Garay
Juan G. Díaz-Uribe
Sci. Mar. 58(4) : 277-287
Larval fish assemblages at the Yucatan Shelf and in the Mexican Caribbean Sea during the upwelling period (Spring, 1985)
Laura Sánchez Velasco
César Flores Coto
Sci. Mar. 58(4) : 289-297
Biology and fishery of the deepwater Rose shrimp,
Parapenaeus longirostris
(Lucas, 1846), from the Atlantic Moroccan coast
Ignacio Sobrino
Teresa García
Sci. Mar. 58(4) : 299-305
Hidrocarburos aromáticos policíclicos en peces de aguas costeras canarias
S. Quintero
C. Díaz
Sci. Mar. 58(4) : 307-313
Population dynamics of the West African croaker
Pseudotolithus elongatus
in the Cross River Estuary, Nigeria
Lawrence Etim
Bassey U. Uwe-Bassey
Thomas Brey
Sci. Mar. 58(4) : 315-321
Early zoeal stages of
Pachygrapsus marmoratus
P. transversus
(Gibbes) and
P. maurus
(Lucas) (Decapoda, Brachyura, Grapsidae) reared in the laboratory
José A. Cuesta
Antonio Rodríguez
Sci. Mar. 58(4) : 323-327
Optimization of yield and biofiltering efficiencies of
Ulva rigida
C. Ag. cultivated with
Sparus aurata
L. waste waters
Miguel Jiménez del Río
Z. Ramazanov
G. García-Reina
Sci. Mar. 58(4) : 329-335
Development and occurrence of larvae of the goby,
Gobiosoma parri
(Ginsburg) (Gobiidae), in the estuary of the Río de la Plata, Argentina
Eduardo M. Acha
Sci. Mar. 58(4) : 337-343
The impact of hydraulic dredging for short-necked clams,
spp., on an infaunal community in the lagoon of Venice
Fabio Pranovi
Otello Giovanardi
Sci. Mar. 58(4) : 345-353
Occurrence of larval nematodes
sp. (Spirurida: Physalopteridae) and
sp. (Ascaridida: Anisakidae) in the crab
Cancer plebejus
Poeppig, in Chile
Mario George-Nascimento
Raul Carmona
Renzo Riffo
Sci. Mar. 58(4) : 355-358
Growth and diet of
Bothus podas
(Pisces: Bothidae) in the Central Mediterranean Sea
P. Schintu
M. Passariello
A. Belluscio
G.D. Ardizzone
Sci. Mar. 58(4) : 359-361
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