Sci. Mar. 58(4): 1994
Age validation of Caulolatilus affinis, Gill 1865 (Pisces: Branchiostegidae) from the Gulf of California using otoliths
Juan F. Elorduy-Garay and Juan G. Díaz-Uribe
Sci. Mar. 58(4) : 277-287 Abstract PDF
Larval fish assemblages at the Yucatan Shelf and in the Mexican Caribbean Sea during the upwelling period (Spring, 1985)
Laura Sánchez Velasco and César Flores Coto
Sci. Mar. 58(4) : 289-297 Abstract PDF
Biology and fishery of the deepwater Rose shrimp, Parapenaeus longirostris (Lucas, 1846), from the Atlantic Moroccan coast
Ignacio Sobrino and Teresa García
Sci. Mar. 58(4) : 299-305 Abstract PDF
Hidrocarburos aromáticos policíclicos en peces de aguas costeras canarias
S. Quintero and C. Díaz
Sci. Mar. 58(4) : 307-313 Abstract PDF
Population dynamics of the West African croaker Pseudotolithus elongatus in the Cross River Estuary, Nigeria
Lawrence Etim, Bassey U. Uwe-Bassey and Thomas Brey
Sci. Mar. 58(4) : 315-321 Abstract PDF
Early zoeal stages of Pachygrapsus marmoratus (Fabricius), P. transversus (Gibbes) and P. maurus (Lucas) (Decapoda, Brachyura, Grapsidae) reared in the laboratory
José A. Cuesta and Antonio Rodríguez
Sci. Mar. 58(4) : 323-327 Abstract PDF
Optimization of yield and biofiltering efficiencies of Ulva rigida C. Ag. cultivated with Sparus aurata L. waste waters
Miguel Jiménez del Río, Z. Ramazanov and G. García-Reina
Sci. Mar. 58(4) : 329-335 Abstract PDF
Development and occurrence of larvae of the goby, Gobiosoma parri (Ginsburg) (Gobiidae), in the estuary of the Río de la Plata, Argentina
Eduardo M. Acha
Sci. Mar. 58(4) : 337-343 Abstract PDF
The impact of hydraulic dredging for short-necked clams, Tapes spp., on an infaunal community in the lagoon of Venice
Fabio Pranovi and Otello Giovanardi
Sci. Mar. 58(4) : 345-353 Abstract PDF
Occurrence of larval nematodes Proleptus sp. (Spirurida: Physalopteridae) and Anisakis sp. (Ascaridida: Anisakidae) in the crab Cancer plebejus Poeppig, in Chile
Mario George-Nascimento, Raul Carmona and Renzo Riffo
Sci. Mar. 58(4) : 355-358 Abstract PDF
Growth and diet of Bothus podas (Pisces: Bothidae) in the Central Mediterranean Sea
P. Schintu, M. Passariello, A. Belluscio and G.D. Ardizzone
Sci. Mar. 58(4) : 359-361 Abstract PDF
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