Sci. Mar. 55(3): 1991
Identification of an upwelling zone by remote sensing and
in situ
measurements. Mejillones del Sur Bay (Antofagasta-Chile)
Luis Rodríguez
Víctor Marín
Martín Farías
Enrique Oyarce
Sci. Mar. 55(3) : 467-473
Ecology of
Chondrus crispus
Stackhouse (Rhodophyta) in the Northern coast of Spain. I Seasonal patterns
Consolación Fernández
Mª Puerto Menéndez
Sci. Mar. 55(3) : 475-481
Age and growth of
Spicara flexuosa
(Rafinesque, 1810) (Pisces, Centracanthidae) in the Patraikos gulf (Greece)
Chryssi Mytilineou
Costas Papaconstantinou
Sci. Mar. 55(3) : 483-490
Seasonal changes in thyroid activity of male Sea Bass (
Dicentrarchus labrax
Linnaeus 1758) (Perciformes: Serranidae) Adapted to different salinities
Manuel Carrillo
Silvia Zanuy
Eduard R. Kühn
Sci. Mar. 55(3) : 491-496
Age and growth of the grey mullet (Pisces, Mugilidae) in Ria de Aveiro (Portugal)
Luis M. Arruda
José N. Azevedo
Ana I. Neto
Sci. Mar. 55(3) : 497-504
Factors controlling phytoplankton size class distribution in the upwelling area of the Galician continental shelf (NW Spain)
Manuel Varela
Guillermo Díaz del Río
Mª Teresa Álvarez-Ossorio
Eduardo Costas
Sci. Mar. 55(3) : 505-518
Photocontrol of chlorophyl and biliprotein synthesis in seaweeds: possible photoreceptors and ecological considerations
Félix López-Figueroa
Francisco Xavier Niell
Sci. Mar. 55(3) : 519-527
A visual assessment of the inshore fishes and fishery resources off El Hierro, Canary Islands: A baseline survey
Stephen A. Bortone
James Van Tassell
Alberto Brito
Jesús M. Falcón
Charles M. Bundrick
Sci. Mar. 55(3) : 529-541
Larval development of
Lepidorhombus boscii
(Risso, 1810) (Pleuronectiformes) in the Northwestern Mediterranean
Ana Sabatés
Sci. Mar. 55(3) : 543-546
Primera cita de
Tremoctopus violaceus violaceus
Delle Chiaje, 1830 (Octopoda: Tremoctopodidae) en aguas de Canarias
Fernando Lozano-Soldevilla
Sci. Mar. 55(3) : 547-549
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