Recent advances in the study of fish eggs and larvae
Sci. Mar. 70S2: 2006
M.Pilar Olivar
J.J. Govoni
Sci. Mar. 70S2 : 5-6
MtDNA barcode identification of fish larvae in the southern Great Barrier Reef – Australia
Graham G. Pegg
Billy Sinclair
Leica Briskey
William J. Aspden
Sci. Mar. 70S2 : 7-12
PCR-SSCP of the 16S rRNA gene, a simple methodology for species identification of fish eggs and larvae
Eva Garcia-Vazquez
Paula Alvarez
Placida Lopes
Nikoletta Karaiskou
Juliana Perez
Ana Teia
Jose L. Martinez
L. Gomes
Costas Triantaphyllidis
Sci. Mar. 70S2 : 13-21
Ultrastructural studies of the morphological variations of the egg surface and envelopes of the African catfish
Clarias gariepinus
(Burchell, 1822) before and after fertilisation with a discussion of fertilisation mechanism
Imam A. A. Mekkawy
Alaa G. M.Osman
Sci. Mar. 70S2 : 23-40
Vitamins A and E in the maternal diet influence egg quality and early life stage development in fish: a review
Vince P. Palace
Julieta Werner
Sci. Mar. 70S2 : 41-57
Reproductive fitness of lake trout (
Salvelinus namaycush
) exposed to environmentally relevant concentrations of the potent estrogen ethynylestradiol (EE2) in a whole lake exposure experiment
Julieta Werner
Vince P. Palace
Kerry G. Wautier
Kenneth H. Mills
Sandra M. Chalanchuk
Karen A. Kidd
Sci. Mar. 70S2 : 59-66
First data on growth and nucleic acid and protein content of field-captured Mediterranean bluefin (
Thunnus thynnus
) and albacore (
Thunnus alalunga
) tuna larvae: a comparative study
Alberto García
Dolores Cortés
Teodoro Ramírez
Rafika Fehri-Bedoui
Francisco Alemany
Jose M. Rodríguez
Ángel Carpena
Juan P. Álvarez
Sci. Mar. 70S2 : 67-78
Field comparison of sardine post-flexion larval growth and biochemical composition from three sites in the W Mediterranean (Ebro river coast, bays of Almería and Málaga)
Alberto Garcia
Dolores Cortes
Teodoro Ramírez
Castor Guisande
Jose Quintanilla
Francisco Alemany
Jose Maria Rodriguez
Juan P. Alvarez
Angel Carpena
Sci. Mar. 70S2 : 79-91
Postflexion larvae and juvenile daily growth patterns of the Alborán Sea sardine (
Sardina pilchardus
Walb.): influence of wind
Francisco Alemany
Itziar Álvarez
Alberto García
Dolores Cortés
Teodoro Ramírez
José Quintanilla
Federico Álvarez
José María Rodríguez
Sci. Mar. 70S2 : 93-104
Fronts and eddies as key structures in the habitat of marine fish larvae: opportunity, adaptive response and competitive advantage
Andrew Bakun
Sci. Mar. 70S2 : 105-122
Spawning and nursery habitat of the wedge sole
Dicologlossa cuneata
(Moreau, 1881) in the Gulf of Cádiz (SW Spain)
Eva García-Isarch
Ana Juárez
Javier Ruiz
Zeneida Romero
Paz Jiménez
Francisco Baldó
Sci. Mar. 70S2 : 123-136
Spawning areas and larval distributions of anchovy
Engraulis encrasicolus
in relation to environmental conditions in the Gulf of Tunis (Central Mediterranean Sea)
Rafik Zarrad
Hechmi Missaoui
Francisco Alemany
Romdhane Mohamed Salah
Alberto Garcia
M'rabet Ridha
Jarboui Othman
El Abed Amor
Sci. Mar. 70S2 : 137-146
Spatial patterns and GIS habitat modelling of
Solea solea
Pleuronectes flesus
Limanda limanda
fish larvae in the eastern English Channel during the spring
Philippe Koubbi
Christophe Loots
Gwenaelle Cotonnec
Xavier Harlay
Alain Grioche
Sandrine Vaz
Corinne Martin
Mike Walkey
Andre Carpentier
Sci. Mar. 70S2 : 147-157
Influence of spring river flow on the recruitment of Japanese seaperch
Lateolabrax japonicus
into the Chikugo estuary, Japan
Jun Shoji
Masaru Tanaka
Sci. Mar. 70S2 : 159-164
Individual-based dispersal patterns of larval gobies in an estuary as indicated by otolith elemental fingerprints
Mei-Yu Chang
Chia-Hui Wang
Chen-Feng You
Wann-Nian Tzeng
Sci. Mar. 70S2 : 165-174
Subject index
Sci. Mar. 70S2 : 175-178
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