The Magellan-Antarctic connection: links and frontiers at high southern latitudes
Sci. Mar. 69(Suppl.2): 2005
W.E. Arntz
G.A. Lovrich
S. Thatje
Sci. Mar. 69(Suppl.2) : 3-5
Mesoscale eddies in the Subantarctic Front-Southwest Atlantic
P. D. Glorioso
A. R. Piola
R. R. Leben
Sci. Mar. 69(Suppl.2) : 7-15
Diversity and endemism in cold waters of the South Atlantic: contrasting patterns in the plankton and the benthos
D. Boltovskoy
N. Correa
A. Boltovskoy
Sci. Mar. 69(Suppl.2) : 17-26
Mesozooplankton assemblages in two bays in the Beagle Channel (Argentina) during January, 2001
M. D. Fernández-Severini
M. S. Hoffmeyer
Sci. Mar. 69(Suppl.2) : 27-37
The role of zooplankton in the pelagic-benthic coupling of the Southern Ocean
Sigrid B. Schnack-Schiel
Enrique Isla
Sci. Mar. 69(Suppl.2) : 39-55
Marine research in the Latitudinal Gradient Project along Victoria Land, Antarctica
P. A. Berkman
R. Cattaneo-Vietti
M. Chiantore
C. Howard-Williams
V. Cummings
R. Kvitek
Sci. Mar. 69(Suppl.2) : 57-63
Changing chain: past, present and future of the Scotia Arc's and Antarctica's shallow benthic communities
David K. A. Barnes
Sci. Mar. 69(Suppl.2) : 65-89
Distribution patterns of Chilean shallow-water sea anemones (Cnidaria: Anthozoa: Actiniaria, Corallimorpharia); with a discussion of the taxonomic and zoogeographic relationships between the actinofauna of the South East Pacific, the South West Atlantic and the Antarctic
V. Häussermann
G. Försterra
Sci. Mar. 69(Suppl.2) : 91-102
Scotia Arc bryozoans from the LAMPOS expedition: a narrow bridge between two different faunas
Hugo I. Moyano G.
Sci. Mar. 69(Suppl.2) : 103-112
The bivalves from the Scotia Arc islands: species richness and faunistic affinities
Diego G. Zelaya
Sci. Mar. 69(Suppl.2) : 113-122
Distributional patterns of shallow-water polychaetes in the Magellan region: a zoogeographical and ecological synopsis
A. Montiel
D. Gerdes
W.E. Arntz
Sci. Mar. 69(Suppl.2) : 123-133
Influence of biotic and abiotic sediment factors on abundance and biomass of harpacticoid copepods in a shallow Antarctic bay
Gritta Veit-Köhler
Sci. Mar. 69(Suppl.2) : 135-145
Sublittoral and bathyal Harpacticoida (Crustacea, Copepoda) of the Magellan region. Composition, distribution and species diversity of selected major taxa
Kai Horst George
Sci. Mar. 69(Suppl.2) : 147-158
The shallow-water Asellota (Crustacea: Isopoda) from the Beagle Channel: Preliminary taxonomic and zoogeographical results
B. L. Doti
D. Roccatagliata
D. G. Zelaya
Sci. Mar. 69(Suppl.2) : 159-166
Species richness and faunistic affinities of the Gammaridea and Corophiidea (Amphipoda) from shallow waters of southern Tierra del Fuego, Argentina: preliminary results
I. L. Chiesa
G. M. Alonso
D. G. Zelaya
Sci. Mar. 69(Suppl.2) : 167-174
Cryptic speciation in the giant Antarctic isopod
Glyptonotus antarcticus
(Isopoda, Valvifera, Chaetiliidae)
C. Held
J.-W. Wägele
Sci. Mar. 69(Suppl.2) : 175-181
Distribution, reproductive and energetic conditions of decapod crustaceans along the Scotia Arc (Southern Ocean)
G. A. Lovrich
M. C. Romero
F. Tapella
S. Thatje
Sci. Mar. 69(Suppl.2) : 183-193
On the distribution of decapod crustaceans from the Magellan Biogeographic Province and the Antarctic region
Enrique E. Boschi
María A. Gavio
Sci. Mar. 69(Suppl.2) : 195-200
Biodiversity of Antarctic echinoids: a comprehensive and interactive database
B. David
T. Choné
A. Festeau
R. Mooi
C. de Ridder
Sci. Mar. 69(Suppl.2) : 201-203
Ascidians (Tunicata, Ascidiacea): species distribution along the Scotia Arc
M. Tatiàn
J. Antacli
R. Sahade
Sci. Mar. 69(Suppl.2) : 205-214
Zoogeographical relationships of the littoral ascidiofauna at the Antarctic Peninsula, in the Scotia Arc and in the Magellan region
A. A. Ramos-Esplá
J. Cárcel
M. Varela
Sci. Mar. 69(Suppl.2) : 215-223
Soft-bottom macrobenthic faunal associations in the southern Chilean glacial fjord complex
C. Ríos
E. Mutschke
A. Montiel
D. Gerdes
W. E. Arntz
Sci. Mar. 69(Suppl.2) : 225-236
The Antarctic-Magellan connection: macrobenthos ecology on the shelf and upper slope, a progress report
Wolf E. Arntz
Sven Thatje
Dieter Gerdes
Josep-Maria Gili
Julian Gutt
U. Jacob
Américo Montiel
Covadonga Orejas
Núria Teixidó
Sci. Mar. 69(Suppl.2) : 237-269
Constraints and trade-offs in climate-dependent adaptation: energy budgets and growth in a latitudinal cline
H.O. Pörtner
D. Storch
O. Heilmayer
Sci. Mar. 69(Suppl.2) : 271-285
Oxidative stress and antioxidant defences generated by solar UV in a Subantarctic marine phytoflagellate
M. Hernando
G. Malanga
G. A. Ferreyra
Sci. Mar. 69(Suppl.2) : 287-295
Oxidative stress in gills of limpets from the Beagle Channel: comparison with limpets from the Antarctic
G. Malanga
M. S. Estevez
J. Calvo
D. Abele
S. Puntarulo
Sci. Mar. 69(Suppl.2) : 297-304
Somatic energy content and histological analysis of the gonads in Antarctic fish from the Scotia Arc
F. A. Vanella
J. Calvo
E. R. Morriconi
D. R. Aureliano
Sci. Mar. 69(Suppl.2) : 305-316
Influence of temperature, habitat and body mass on routine metabolic rates of Subantarctic teleosts
F. A. Vanella
J. Calvo
Sci. Mar. 69(Suppl.2) : 317-323
Muscle growth in Antarctic and Subantarctic notothenioid fishes
D.A. Fernández
J. Calvo
I.A. Johnston
Sci. Mar. 69(Suppl.2) : 325-336
Quaternary molluscan faunas from the island of Tierra del Fuego after the Last Glacial Maximum
S. Gordillo
A. M. J. Coronato
J. O. Rabassa
Sci. Mar. 69(Suppl.2) : 337-348
Shallow-water late middle Eocene crinoids from Tierra del Fuego: a new southern record of a retrograde community structure
N. Malumián
E. B. Olivero
Sci. Mar. 69(Suppl.2) : 349-353
Thoughts on controls on evolution and dispersal of benthos in the Magellan-Scotia Sea region: a workshop proposal
Michael R.A. Thomson
Sci. Mar. 69(Suppl.2) : 355-358
The Magellan-Antarctic Connection: links and frontiers at southern high latitudes. Summary review
Wolf E. Arntz
Sci. Mar. 69(Suppl.2) : 359-368
Subject index
Sci. Mar. 69(Suppl.2) : 369-373
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