Mediterranean marine demersal resources: the Medits international trawl survey (1994-1999)
Sci. Mar. 66(Suppl.2): 2002
Jacques A. Bertrand
Sci. Mar. 66(Suppl.2) : 3-5
The general specifications of the MEDITS surveys
J.A. Bertrand
L. Gil de Sola
C. Papaconstantinou
G. Relini
A. Souplet.
Sci. Mar. 66(Suppl.2) : 9-17
Distribution of the Mediterranean hake populations (
Merluccius merluccius smiridus
Rafinesque, 1810) (Ostheichthyes: Gadiformes) based on six years monitoring by trawl-surveys: some implications for management
L. Orsi Relini
C. Papaconstantinou
S. Jukic-Peladic
A. Souplet
L. Gil de Sola
C. Piccinetti
S. Kavadas
M. Rossi.
Sci. Mar. 66(Suppl.2) : 21-38
Distribution of
Mullus barbatus
M. surmuletus
(Osteichthyes: Perciformes) in the Mediterranean continental shelf: implications for management
G. Tserpes
F. Fiorentino
D. Levi
A. Cau
M. Murenu
A. Zamboni
C. Papaconstantinou
Sci. Mar. 66(Suppl.2) : 39-54
Distribution, abundance and biological features of anglerfish (
Lophius piscatoirus
Lophhius budegassa
) (Osteichthyes: Lphiiformes) in the Mediterranean Sea
N. Ungaro
G. Marano
R. Auteri
A. Voliani
E. Massutí
M. García-Rodríguez
K. Osmani
Sci. Mar. 66(Suppl.2) : 55-63
Geographical distribution, abundance and some population characteristics of the species of the genus
(Osteichthyes: Percirformes) in different areas of the Mediterranean
M.T. Spedicato
S. Greco
K. Sophronidis
G. Lembo
D. Giordano
A. Argyri.
Sci. Mar. 66(Suppl.2) : 65-82
Distribution and abundance of
Citharus linguatula, Lepidorhombus boscii
(Risso, 1810) and
Solea vulgaris
, (Osteichthyes, Pleuronectiformes) in the Mediterranean Sea
P. Sartor
M. Sbrana
N. Ungaro
C.A. Marano
C. Piccinetti
G. Piccinetti Manfrin
Sci. Mar. 66(Suppl.2) : 83-102
MEDITS-based information on the deep water red shrimps
Aristaeomorpha foliacea
Aristeus antennatus
(Crustacea: Decapoda: Aristeidae)
A. Cau
A. Carbonell
M.C. Follesa
A. Mannini
G. Norrito
L. Orsi Relini
C.-Y. Politou
S. Ragonese
P. Rinelli
Sci. Mar. 66(Suppl.2) : 103-124
Geographical patterns in abundance and population structure of
Nephrops norvegicus
Parapenaeus longirostris
(Crustacea: Decapoda) along the European Mediterranean coasts
P. Abelló
A. Abella
A. Adamidou
S. Jukic-Peladic
P. Maiorano
M.T. Spedicato
Sci. Mar. 66(Suppl.2) : 125-141
Distribution and abundance of
Eledone cirrhosa
(Lamarck, 1798) and
Eledone moschata
(Lamarck, 1798) (Cephalopoda: Octopoda) in the Mediterranean Sea
P. Belcari
G. Tserpes
M. González
E. Lefkaditou
B. Marceta
G. Piccinetti Manfrin
A. Souplet
Sci. Mar. 66(Suppl.2) : 143-155
Distribution and abundance of
Octopus vulgaris
Cuvier, 1797 (Cephalopoda: Octopoda) in the Mediterranean Sea
P. Belcari
D. Cuccu
M. González
A. Srairi
P. Vidoris.
Sci. Mar. 66(Suppl.2) : 157-166
Depth trajectory and performance of a trawl used for an international bottom trawl survey in the Mediterranean
J.A. Bertrand
I. Leonori
P.-Y. Dremičre
G. Cosimi
Sci. Mar. 66(Suppl.2) : 169-182
Biogeography of epibenthic crustaceans on the shelf and upper slope off the Iberian Peninsula Mediterranean coasts: implications for the establishment of natural management areas
P. Abelló
A. Carbonell
P. Torres.
Sci. Mar. 66(Suppl.2) : 183-198
Cephalopod assemblages caught by trawling along the Iberian Peninsula mediterranean coast
M. González
P. Sánchez
Sci. Mar. 66(Suppl.2) : 199-208
Feeding guilds of western Mediterranean demersal fish and crustaceans: an analysis based in a spring survey
J.E. Cartes
P. Abelló
D. Lloris
A. Carbonell
P. Torres
F. Maynou
L. Gil de Sola
Sci. Mar. 66(Suppl.2) : 209-220
STATIS-CoA: A methodological solution to assess the spatio-temporal organization of species assemblages. Application to the demersal assemblages of the French Mediterranean Sea
J.C. Gaertner
J.A. Bertrand
A. Souplet
Sci. Mar. 66(Suppl.2) : 221-232
Analysis of demersal fish assemblages of the Tuscany and Latium coasts (north-western Mediterranean)
F. Biagi
P. Sartor
G.D. Ardizzone
P. Belcari
A. Belluscio
F. Serena.
Sci. Mar. 66(Suppl.2) : 233-242
Trends in the abundance of demersal species in the southern Aegean Sea
G. Tserpes
P. Peristeraki.
Sci. Mar. 66(Suppl.2) : 243-252
A procedure to evaluate the effect of lag-time in studying length structure and growth rate of young fish: the case of
Phycis blennoides
Brunnich, 1768 (Osteichthyes: Gadiformes) in the Central Mediterranean
S. Ragonese
F. Fiorentino
P. Rinelli
S. Greco
Sci. Mar. 66(Suppl.2) : 253-260
Author index, Taxonomic index, Subject index
P. Abelló
J.A. Bertrand
L. Gil de Sola
C. Papaconstantinou
G. Relini
A. Souplet
Sci. Mar. 66(Suppl.2) : 273-280
APPENDIXES. Appendix 1. List of scientists involved in cruises and data generation and elaboration Appendix 2. List of published articles based on MEDITS-generated data and material
P. Abelló
J.A. Bertrand
L. Gil de Sola
C. Papaconstantinou
G. Relini
A. Souplet
Sci. Mar. 66(Suppl.2) : 261-272
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