A marine science odyssey into the 21st century
Sci. Mar. 65(Suppl.2): 2001
J.M. Gili
J.L. Pretus
T.T. Packard
Sci. Mar. 65(Suppl.2) : 1-4
Emergence in pelagic communities
C.S. Reynolds
Sci. Mar. 65(Suppl.2) : 5-30
Caught in the food web: complexity made simple?
Lawrence R. Pomeroy
Sci. Mar. 65(Suppl.2) : 31-40
Marine diversity: the paradigms in patterns of species richness examined
John S. Gray
Sci. Mar. 65(Suppl.2) : 41-56
Formation and fate of marine snow: small-scale processes with large- scale implications
Thomas Kiřrboe
Sci. Mar. 65(Suppl.2) : 57-71
Conversaciones con Ramón: big questions for the millennium
Frank B. Golley
Sci. Mar. 65(Suppl.2) : 73-84
The oceanic fixed nitrogen and nitrous oxide budgets: Moving targets as we enter the anthropocene?
L.A. Codispoti
J.A. Brandes
J.P. Christensen
A.H. Devol
S.W.A. Naqvi
H.W. Paerl
T. Yoshinari
Sci. Mar. 65(Suppl.2) : 85-105
Marine benthic faunal successional stages and related sedimentary activity
Rutger Rosenberg
Sci. Mar. 65(Suppl.2) : 107-119
Delivery and fate of fluvial water and sediment to the sea: a marine geologist's view of European rivers
John D. Milliman
Sci. Mar. 65(Suppl.2) : 121-132
Gaia and the Mediterranean Sea
Kenneth J. Hsü
Sci. Mar. 65(Suppl.2) : 133-140
Sources and fates of silicon in the ocean: the role of diatoms in the climate and glacial cycles
R.C. Dugdale
F.P. Wilkerson
Sci. Mar. 65(Suppl.2) : 141-152
Phytoplanktonic biomass synthesis: application to deviations from Redfield stoichiometry
Fernando Fraga
Sci. Mar. 65(Suppl.2) : 153-169
Community assembly and the emergence of ecosystem pattern
Simon A. Levin
Jonathan Dushoff
Juan E. Keymer
Sci. Mar. 65(Suppl.2) : 171-179
Landscape challenges to ecosystem thinking: Creative flood and drought in the American Southwest
Stuart G. Fisher
Jill Welter
John Schade
Julia Henry
Sci. Mar. 65(Suppl.2) : 181-192
Spirals on the sea
Walter Munk
Sci. Mar. 65(Suppl.2) : 193-198
Natural History: the sense of wonder, creativity and progress in ecology
Paul K. Dayton
Enric Sala
Sci. Mar. 65(Suppl.2) : 199-206
The top layers of water bodies, a most important although relatively neglected piece of the biosphere plumbing
Ramón Margalef
Sci. Mar. 65(Suppl.2) : 207-213
Following up on a Margalevian concept: Interactions and exchanges among adjacent parcels of coastal landscapes
I. Valiela
J.L. Bowen
M.L. Cole
K.D. Kroeger
D. Lawrence
W.J. Pabich
G. Tomasky
S. Mazzilli
Sci. Mar. 65(Suppl.2) : 215-229
Thermohaline feedback loops and Natural Capital
Tom Sawyer Hopkins
Sci. Mar. 65(Suppl.2) : 231-256
The sedimentary record of dinoflagellate cysts: looking back into the future of phytoplankton blooms
Barrie Dale
Sci. Mar. 65(Suppl.2) : 257-272
Unnatural Oceans
J.B.C. Jackson
E. Sala
Sci. Mar. 65(Suppl.2) : 273-281
A case for tolerance in marine ecology: let us not put out the baby with the bathwater
W.E. Arntz
J.M. Gili
Sci. Mar. 65(Suppl.2) : 283-299
Subject index, Author index
Sci. Mar. 65(Suppl.2) : 301-326
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