Trends in Hydrozoan biology-IV
Sci. Mar. 64(Suppl.1): 2000
C.E. Mills
F. Boero
A. Migotto
J.M. Gili
Sci. Mar. 64(Suppl.1) : 3-4
Towards understanding the phylogenetic history of Hydrozoa: Hypothesis testing with 18S gene sequence data
A.G. Collins
Sci. Mar. 64(Suppl.1) : 5-22
Trends in hydroidomedusan research from 1911 to 1997
C. Gravili
R. Pagliara
W. Vervoort
J. Bouillon
F. Boero
Sci. Mar. 64(Suppl.1) : 23-29
A guideline to nematocyst nomenclature and classification, and some notes on the systematic value of nematocysts
Carina Östman
Sci. Mar. 64(Suppl.1) : 31-46
Kinematic comparison of bell contraction by four species of hydromedusae
M.D. Ford
J.H. Costello
Sci. Mar. 64(Suppl.1) : 47-53
Morphology and distribution of a deep-water Narcomedusa (Solmarisidae) from the northeast Pacific
Mary Needler Arai
Michael J. Cavey
Beverley A. Moore
Sci. Mar. 64(Suppl.1) : 55-62
Approaches to the ethology of hydroids and medusae (Cnidaria, Hydrozoa)
M.P. Miglietta
L. Della Tommasa
F. Denitto
C. Gravili
P. Pagliara
J. Bouillon
F. Boero
Sci. Mar. 64(Suppl.1) : 63-71
Non-indigenous hydromedusae in California's upper San Francisco Esturary: life cycles, distribution, and potential environmental impacts
John T. Rees
Lisa-Ann Gershwin
Sci. Mar. 64(Suppl.1) : 73-86
Deep-water Hydromedusae from the Lacaze-Duthiers submarine canyon (Banyuls, northwestern Mediterranean) and description of two new genera,
J. Bouillon
F. Pagčs
J.M. Gili
A. Palanques
P. Puig
S. Heussner
Sci. Mar. 64(Suppl.1) : 87-95
The life cycle of
Halimedusa typus
, with discussion of other species closely related to the family Halimedusidae (Hydrozoa, Capitata, Anthomedusae)
Claudia E. Mills
Sci. Mar. 64(Suppl.1) : 97-106
Nerve net differentiation in medusa development of
Podocoryne carnea
Hans Gröger
Volker Schmid
Sci. Mar. 64(Suppl.1) : 107-116
Sarsia marii
n. sp. (Hydrozoa, Anthomedusae) and the use of 16S rDNA sequences for unpuzzling systematic relationships in Hydrozoa
Bernd Schierwater
Andrea Ender
Sci. Mar. 64(Suppl.1) : 117-122
Interannual variation in the composition of the assemblages of medusae and ctenophores in St. Helena Bay, Southern Benguela Ecosystem
Emmanuelle Buecher
Mark John Gibbons
Sci. Mar. 64(Suppl.1) : 123-134
The effects of exposure to wave action on the distribution and morphology of the epiphytic hydrozoans
Clava multicornis
Dynamena pumila
Sergi Rossi
Josep Maria Gili
R.G. Hugues
Sci. Mar. 64(Suppl.1) : 135-140
Life history of
Perarella schneideri
(Hydrozoa, Cytaedidae) in the Ligurian Sea
Giorgio Bavestrello
Stefania Puce
Carlo Cerrano
Andrea Balduzzi
Sci. Mar. 64(Suppl.1) : 141-146
Strobilation in a species of Bougainvillioidea (Cnidaria, Hydrozoa)
Giorgio Bavestrello
Stefania Puce
Carlo Cerrano
Andrea Balduzzi
Sci. Mar. 64(Suppl.1) : 147-150
New observations and corrections concerning the trio of invasive hydromedusae
Maeotias marginata
M. inexpectata
Blackfordia virginica
, and
sp. in the San Francisco Estuary
Claudia Mills
John T. Rees
Sci. Mar. 64(Suppl.1) : 151-155
Cnidarian "Parasites" on
Solmissus incisa
, a Narcomedusa
Dawn Alexandra Osborn
Sci. Mar. 64(Suppl.1) : 157-163
A pandeid hydrozoan,
sp., new and probably introduced to central California: life history, morphology, distribution and systematics
John T. Rees
Sci. Mar. 64(Suppl.1) : 165-172
Photosynthetic planulae and planktonic hydroids: contrasting strategies of propagule survival
Patrizia Pagliara
Jean Bouillon
Ferdinando Boero
Sci. Mar. 64(Suppl.1) : 173-178
Life in tidepools: distribution and abundance of two crawling hydromedusae,
Staurocladia oahuensis
S. bilateralis
, on a rocky intertidal shore in Kominato, central Japan
Yayoi M. Hirano
Yoshuiaki J. Hirano
Mayumi Yamada
Sci. Mar. 64(Suppl.1) : 179-187
The hydroid and medusa of
Sarsia bella
sp. nov. (Hydrozoa, Anthoathecatae, Corynidae), with a correction of the "life cycle" of
Polyorchis penicillatus
Anita Brinckmann-Voss
Sci. Mar. 64(Suppl.1) : 189-195
Ecological characteristics of the Mljet Islands seawater lakes (South Adriatic Sea) with special reference to their resident populations of medusae
A. Benovic
D. Lucic
V. Onofri
M. Peharda
M. Caric
N. Jasprica
S. Bobanovic-Colic
Sci. Mar. 64(Suppl.1) : 197-206
Gonangium development and medusoid of
Nemalecium lighti
(Hargitt, 1924) (Cnidaria: Hydrozoa, Haleciidae)
Nicole Gravier-Bonnet
Alvaro E. Migotto
Sci. Mar. 64(Suppl.1) : 207-213
Environmental patterns and biomass distribution of gelatinous macrozooplankton. Three study cases in the South-western Atlantic Ocean
H.W. Mianzan
R.A. Guerrero
Sci. Mar. 64(Suppl.1) : 215-224
A new species of
(Hydrozoa, Clavidae) from Lake Biwa (Japan), with remarks on this and related Clavid genera
Sofia D. Stepanjants
Oleg A. Timoshkin
Boris A. Anokhin
Tatiana O. Napara
Sci. Mar. 64(Suppl.1) : 225-236
Additional notes on
Clathrozoella drygalskii
(Vanhöffen, 1910) (Cnidaria, Hydrozoa)
W. Vervoort
Sci. Mar. 64(Suppl.1) : 237-240
Parallel, paedomorphic evolutionary processes of the bivalve-inhabiting hydrozoans (Leptomedusae, Eirenidae) deduced from the morphology, life cycle and biogeography, with special reference to taxonomic treatment of
Shin Kubota
Sci. Mar. 64(Suppl.1) : 241-247
Redescription of
Tripoma arboreum
Hirohito, 1995 (Hydrozoa: Campanulinidae) from the Tasman Sea with notes on quasi-parasitism of the species
Jeanette E. Watson
W. Vervoort
Sci. Mar. 64(Suppl.1) : 249-254
Structure of an epiphytic hydroid community on
at two sites of different wave exposure
Anuschka Faucci
Ferdinando Boero
Sci. Mar. 64(Suppl.1) : 255-264
A "semi-closed" recirculating system for the in situ study of feeding and respiration of benthic suspension feeders
Marta Ribes
Rafel Coma
Josep-Maria Gili
Armin Svoboda
Agustí Juliŕ
Jordi Parera
Sci. Mar. 64(Suppl.1) : 265-275
Sci. Mar. 64(Suppl.1) : 277-284
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