Advances in hydrozoan biology
Sci. Mar. 60(1): 1996
Win Vervoort
Sci. Mar. 60(1) : 1-3
Message from the president of the Hydrozoan Society
Josep-Maria Gili
Sci. Mar. 60(1) : 4-5
The polyp and its medusa: a molecular approach
B. Aerne
H. Gröger
P. Schuchert
J. Spring
V. Schmid
Sci. Mar. 60(1) : 7-16
Classification and phylogeny in the Hydroidomedusae (Hydrozoa, Cnidaria)
F. Boero
J. Bouillon
S. Piraino
Sci. Mar. 60(1) : 17-33
Relationship between morphology and hydrodynamics during swimming by the hydromedusae
Aequorea victoria
Aglantha digitale
Sean P. Colin
John H. Costello
Sci. Mar. 60(1) : 35-42
A quantitative study of feeding by the hydroid
Tubularia larynx
Ellis and Solander, 1786
J.M. Gili
R.G. Hughes
V. Alvŕ
Sci. Mar. 60(1) : 43-54
Fibrillin in the extracellular matrix of cnidarians: An Immunohistochemical approach
S. Reber-Müller
S.-I. Ono
P. Schuchert
J. Spring
V. Schm
Sci. Mar. 60(1) : 55-68
Seasonal changes in the vertical distribution of five species of the family Bougainvilliidae (Cnidaria: Anthomedusae) at Lough Hyne, south-west Ireland
Lynn Ballard
Alan Myers
Sci. Mar. 60(1) : 69-74
Distribution and biogeographic relationships of the Hydroid fauna of the Australian West coast: A preliminary account
Jeanette E. Watson
Sci. Mar. 60(1) : 75-83
Timing of medusa release in a hydroid
Eugymnanthea japonica
(Cnidaria, Leptomedusae, Eirenidae) commensal with a mussel
Shin Kubota
Sci. Mar. 60(1) : 85-88
Seasonality of hydroids (Hydrozoa, Cnidaria) from an intertidal pool and adjacent subtidal habitats at Race Rocks, off Vancouver Island, Canada
A. Brinckmann-Voss
Sci. Mar. 60(1) : 89-97
species (Hydroidomedusae, Anthomedusae) from the Mediterranean
C. Gravili
F. Boero
J. Bouillon
Sci. Mar. 60(1) : 99-108
On a new hydropolyp without tentacles,
Microhydrula limopsicola
n. sp., epibiotic on bivalve shells from the Antarctic
Gerhard Jarms
Henry Tiemann
Sci. Mar. 60(1) : 109-115
A rare hydroid,
Clathrozoella drygalskii
(Vanhöffen, 1910) in the waters of Australia and New Zealand
W. Vervoort
Jeannette E. Watson
Sci. Mar. 60(1) : 117-120
Observations on the settling behaviour of planulae of
Clava multicornis
Forskål (Hydroidea, Athecata)
Dmitri Orlov
Sci. Mar. 60(1) : 121-128
Comparison of hydromedusae findings in the northern and southern Adriatic Sea
Adam Benovic
Davor Lucic
Sci. Mar. 60(1) : 129-135
Relations between
Eudendrium glomeratum
(Cnidaria, Hydromedusae) and its associated vagile fauna
G. Bavestrello
C. Cerrano
R. Cattaneo-Vietti
M. Sarŕ
Sci. Mar. 60(1) : 137-143
Medusae, siphonophores and ctenophores of the Alborán Sea, south western Mediterranean
C.E. Mills
P.R. Pugh
G.R. Harbison
S.H.D. Haddock
Sci. Mar. 60(1) : 145-163
Annual survey of hydroids (Cnidaria, Hydrozoa) cohabiting in shrimp-crevices on a reef flat of La Réunion (Indian Ocean)
Nicole Gravier-Bonnet
Dominique Mioche
Sci. Mar. 60(1) : 165-181
Updated catalogue of hydrozoans of the Iberian Peninsula and Balearic Islands, with remarks on zoogeography and affinities
MŞ Dolores Medel
Pablo J. López-González
Sci. Mar. 60(1) : 183-209
Dialogue Computer System BIKEY as applied to diagnostics of Cnidaria (illustrated by an example of hydroids of the genus
A.L. Lobanov
S.D. Stepanjants
M.B. Dianov
Sci. Mar. 60(1) : 211-220
Subject index, Taxonomic index, Author index
Sci. Mar. 60(1) : 221-243
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