Advances in marine chemistry
Sci. Mar. 74S1: 2010
Julián Blasco and Jesús M. Forja
Sci. Mar. 74S1 : 9-10 Abstract PDF
Anthropogenic CO2 in the Azores region
Fiz F. Pérez, Javier Arístegui, Marcos Vázquez-Rodríguez and Aida F. Ríos
Sci. Mar. 74S1 : 11-19 Abstract PDF
A multiparametric method of interpolation using WOA05 applied to anthropogenic CO2 in the Atlantic
Anton Velo, Marcos Vázquez-Rodríguez, Xose A. Padín, Miguel Gilcoto, Aída F. Ríos and Fiz F. Pérez
Sci. Mar. 74S1 : 21-32 Abstract PDF
Carbonate system distribution south of the Canary Islands in spring 2000
Iván R. Ucha, Melchor González-Dávila, Magdalena Santana-Casiano, María José Rueda and Octavio Llinás
Sci. Mar. 74S1 : 33-46 Abstract PDF
Coupling between the thermohaline, chemical and biological fields during summer 2006 in the northeast continental shelf of the Gulf of Cádiz (SW Iberian Peninsula)
Eleonora Anfuso, Rocio Ponce, Carmen Gonzalez Castro and Jesús M. Forja
Sci. Mar. 74S1 : 47-56 Abstract PDF
Seasonal and tidal influence on the variability of nitrous oxide in the Tagus estuary, Portugal
Célia Gonçalves, Maria José Brogueira and Maria Filomena Camões
Sci. Mar. 74S1 : 57-66 Abstract PDF
Sediment geochemistry and accumulation rates on the northeastern shelf of the Gulf of Cádiz (SW Iberian Peninsula)
Roberta Guerra, Enrico Dinelli, Serena Righi, Jesús M. Forja and Enrique García-Luque
Sci. Mar. 74S1 : 67-76 Abstract PDF
Estuary-ria exchange of cadmium, lead and zinc in the coastal system of the Ria of Vigo (NW Iberian Peninsula)
Ricardo Prego, Antonio Cobelo-García, Juan Santos-Echeandía, Maite de Castro, Natalia Ospina-alvarez and Mar García-Pérez
Sci. Mar. 74S1 : 77-87 Abstract PDF
Temporal clustering of metals in a short sediment core of the Cascais Canyon (Portuguese Margin)
Mário Mil-Homens, Ana M. Costa, Susana M. Lebreiro, João Canário, Cristina Lopes, Filomena Mouro, Manuela Mateus, Henko de Stigter, Thomas Richter, Vasco Branco, M. Ascensão Trancoso, Zenaida Melo and Wim Boer
Sci. Mar. 74S1 : 89-98 Abstract PDF
Trace metal concentrations in sediments from the southwest of the Iberian Peninsula
Julián Blasco, Tania Gomes, Tamara García-Barrera, Araceli Rodríguez-Romero, María Gonzalez-Rey, Fernando Morán-Roldán, Chiara Tromibini, Michal Miotk, José Luis Gómez-Ariza and María Joao Bebianno
Sci. Mar. 74S1 : 99-106 Abstract PDF
Concentration, enrichment and distribution of heavy metals in surface sediments of the Tangier Bay, Morocco
María Rocío Rodríguez-Barroso, Youssef Benhamou, Bouchta El Moumni, Dolores Coello and José Luis García-Morales
Sci. Mar. 74S1 : 107-114 Abstract PDF
Accumulation of phosphorus in coastal marine sediments: relationship to benthic and diffusive fluxes
Rocio Ponce, Teodora Ortega, Jesús M. Forja and Abelardo Gómez-Parra
Sci. Mar. 74S1 : 115-124 Abstract PDF
Seasonal changes in the concentration of anionic surfactants in estuarine sediments from the River Guadalete (Cadiz, Spain)
Pablo A. Lara-Martín, Carmen Corada-Fernández, Abelardo Gómez-Parra and Eduardo González-Mazo
Sci. Mar. 74S1 : 125-131 Abstract PDF
Toxic effect of copper on marine picophytoplankton populations isolated from different geographic locations
Bibiana Debelius, Jesús M. Forja, Ángel DelValls and Luis M. Lubián
Sci. Mar. 74S1 : 133-141 Abstract PDF
Temporal variations in metallothionein concentration and subcellular distribution of metals in gills and digestive glands of the oyster Crassostrea angulata
Chiara Trombini, Elena Fabbri and Julián Blasco
Sci. Mar. 74S1 : 143-152 Abstract PDF
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