Sci. Mar. 71(3): 2007
Larval development of Dagetichthys marginatus (Soleidae) obtained from hormone-induced spawning under artificial rearing conditions
Ernst F. Thompson, Nadine A. Strydom and Thomas Hecht
Sci. Mar. 71(3) : 421-428 Abstract PDF
Reproduction of the white grunt, Haemulon plumieri (Lacépede, 1802) (Pisces: Haemulidae) from Margarita Island, Venezuela
José L. Palazón-Fernández
Sci. Mar. 71(3) : 429-440 Abstract PDF
Role of the Jiaozhou Bay as a source/sink of CO2 over a seasonal cycle
Xuegang Li, Jinming Song, Lifeng Niu, Huamao Yuan, Ning Li and Xuelu Gao
Sci. Mar. 71(3) : 441-450 Abstract PDF
Population dynamics, distribution and secondary production of the brown shrimp Crangon crangon (L.) in a southern European estuary. Latitudinal variations
Ivan Viegas, Filipe Martinho, João Neto and Miguel Pardal
Sci. Mar. 71(3) : 451-460 Abstract PDF
The reproductive biology of Diplodus sargus sargus in the Gulf of Tunis (central Mediterranean)
Nejla Mouine, Patrice Francour, Mohamed-Hédi ktari and Nadia Chakroun-Marzouk
Sci. Mar. 71(3) : 461-469 Abstract PDF
Comparative study of gonadal development of Ruditapes philippinarum (Adams and Reeve) and Ruditapes decussatus (L.) (Mollusca: Bivalvia): Influence of temperature
Marina Delgado and Alejandro Pérez-Camacho
Sci. Mar. 71(3) : 471-484 Abstract PDF
Cell cycle analysis of brain cells as a growth index in larval cod at different feeding conditions and temperatures
Rafael González-Quirós, Iyziar Munuera and Arild Folkvord
Sci. Mar. 71(3) : 485-497 Abstract PDF
The effect of protection on fish populations in the Ses Negres Marine Reserve (NW Mediterranean, Spain)
Marc Rius
Sci. Mar. 71(3) : 499-504 Abstract PDF
Trophic relationships of the spinner dolphin at Fernando de Noronha Archipelago, SW Atlantic
José Martins Silva-Jr., Flávio José de Lima Silva, Cristina Sazima and Ivan Sazima
Sci. Mar. 71(3) : 505-511 Abstract PDF
Demersal and epibenthic assemblages of trawlable grounds in the northern Alboran Sea (western Mediterranean)
Esther Abad, Izaskun Preciado, Alberto Serrano and Jorge Baro
Sci. Mar. 71(3) : 513-524 Abstract PDF
Bioeconomic simulation analysis of hake and red mullet fisheries in the Gulf of Saronikos (Greece)
Gorka Merino, Constantina Karlou-Riga, Ioanna Anastopoulou, Francesc Maynou and Jordi Lleonart
Sci. Mar. 71(3) : 525-535 Abstract PDF
Effort dynamics in a fisheries bioeconomic model: A vessel level approach through Game Theory
Gorka Merino, Francesc Maynou and Antonio García-Olivares
Sci. Mar. 71(3) : 537-550 Abstract PDF
Taxonomic and morphometric analyses of the Haplosyllis spongicola complex (Polychaeta: Syllidae: Syllinae) from Spanish seas, with re-description of the type species and descriptions of two new species
Patricia Lattig, Guillermo San Martín and Daniel Martin
Sci. Mar. 71(3) : 551-570 Abstract PDF
Observations on the population characteristics of Apionsoma (Apionsoma) misakianum (Sipuncula: Phascolosomatidae), a new species for the Mediterranean fauna
Sermin Açik
Sci. Mar. 71(3) : 571-577 Abstract PDF
Interactions between shorebirds and benthic invertebrates at Culbin Sands lagoon, NE Scotland: Effects of avian predation on their prey community density and structure
Vanda M. Mendonça, David George Raffaelli and Peter R. Boyle
Sci. Mar. 71(3) : 579-591 Abstract PDF
The reproductive biology and cycle of Rioraja agassizi (Müller and Henle, 1841) (Chondrichthyes: Rajidae) in southeastern Brazil, SW Atlantic Ocean
María Cristina Oddone, Alberto F. Amorim, Patricia L. Mancini, Walter Norbis and Gonzalo Velasco
Sci. Mar. 71(3) : 593-604 Abstract PDF
Relationships between deep-water polychaete fauna and environmental factors in the southeastern Gulf of California, Mexico
Nuria Méndez
Sci. Mar. 71(3) : 605-622 Abstract PDF
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