Sci. Mar. 74(2): 2010
Effects of copper on the physiological responses of the commercial crab Lithodes santolla (Decapoda: Anomura) larvae
Oscar Antonio Amin and Laura Inés Comoglio
Sci. Mar. 74(2) : 215-221 Abstract PDF
Diet, growth and reproduction of four flatfishes on the Portuguese coast
Célia M. Teixeira, Marisa I. Batista and Henrique N. Cabral
Sci. Mar. 74(2) : 223-233 Abstract PDF
Benthic assemblage of Acquatina Lake (South Adriatic Sea): present state and long-term faunistic changes
Roberto Schirosi, Luigi Musco and Adriana Giangrande
Sci. Mar. 74(2) : 235-246 Abstract PDF
Climatology and reconstruction of runoff time series in northwest Iberia: influence in the shelf buoyancy budget off Ría de Vigo
Pablo Otero, Manuel Ruiz-Villarreal, Álvaro Peliz and José Manuel Cabanas
Sci. Mar. 74(2) : 247-266 Abstract PDF
Seasonal variations in the growth of anchovy larvae (Engraulis anchoita) on the Argentine coastal shelf
Ezequiel Leonarduzzi, Daniel R. Brown and Ramiro P. Sánchez
Sci. Mar. 74(2) : 267-274 Abstract PDF
Fishing activity and impacts along the main nesting area of loggerhead sea turtle Caretta caretta in Italy: overwhelming discrepancy with the official data
Giulia Cambiè, Juan Antonio Camiñas, Ramón Franquesa and Toni Mingozzi
Sci. Mar. 74(2) : 275-285 Abstract PDF
Antimicrobial potential of marine organisms collected from the southwest coast of India against multiresistant human and shrimp pathogens
Aseer Manilal, Sugathan Sujith, Joseph Selvin, George Seghal Kiran, Chippu Shakir and Aaron Premnath Lipton
Sci. Mar. 74(2) : 287-296 Abstract PDF
Life history, morphological variability and growth rates of the life phases of Gracilaria tenuistipitata (Rhodophyta: Gracilariales) in vitro
José Bonomi Barufi, Eurico Cabral de Oliveira, Estela Maria Plastino and Mariana Cabral de Oliveira
Sci. Mar. 74(2) : 297-303 Abstract PDF
Review of the Septibranchia (Mollusca: Pelecypoda) from the deep sea of Campos Basin, Brazil: Family Lyonsiellidae, with description of a new species
Cléo Dilnei de Castro Oliveira and Ricardo Silva Absalão
Sci. Mar. 74(2) : 305-316 Abstract PDF
Changes in seagrass polychaete assemblages after invasion by Caulerpa racemosa var. cylindracea (Chlorophyta: Caulerpales): community structure, trophic guilds and taxonomic distinctness
Antonio Box, Daniel Martin and Salud Deudero
Sci. Mar. 74(2) : 317-329 Abstract PDF
Referencing geostrophic velocities using ADCP data at 24.5°N (North Atlantic)
Isis Comas-Rodríguez, Alonso Hernández-Guerra and Elaine L. McDonagh
Sci. Mar. 74(2) : 331-338 Abstract PDF
Feeding on protists and particulates by the leptocephali of the worm eels Myrophis spp. (Teleostei: Anguilliformes: Ophichthidae), and the potential energy contribution of large aloricate protozoa
John Jeffrey Govoni
Sci. Mar. 74(2) : 339-344 Abstract PDF
Intertidal macrozoobenthos in sandy beaches of Bahía Nueva (Patagonia, Argentina) and their use as bioindicators of environmental impact
Agustina Ferrando, José Luis Esteves, Rodolfo Elías and Nuria Méndez
Sci. Mar. 74(2) : 345-352 Abstract PDF
Faunal and biogeographic analysis of Syllidae (Polychaeta) from Rovinj (Croatia, northern Adriatic Sea)
Barbara Mikac and Luigi Musco
Sci. Mar. 74(2) : 353-370 Abstract PDF
Consideration of uncertainty in the design and use of harvest control rules
Yan Jiao, Kevin Reid and Tom Nudds
Sci. Mar. 74(2) : 371-384 Abstract PDF
Meiofauna communities in exposed sandy beaches on the Galician coast (NW Spain), six months after the Prestige oil spill: the role of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs)
Puri Veiga, Celia Besteiro and Marcos Rubal
Sci. Mar. 74(2) : 385-394 Abstract PDF
Pseudo-nitzschia species on the Catalan coast: characterization and contribution to the current knowledge of the distribution of this genus in the Mediterranean Sea
Sonia Quijano-Scheggia, Esther Garcés, Karl B. Andree, Pablo de la Iglesia, Jorge Diogène, Jose-Manuel Fortuño and Jordi Camp
Sci. Mar. 74(2) : 395-410 Abstract PDF
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