Sci. Mar. 74(1): 2010
The larval development of
Pilumnoides hassleri
(Decapoda: Brachyura: Pilumnoididae) reared in the laboratory, with a review of pilumnoidid systematics using larval characters
Tomás A. Luppi
Nahuel Farías
Eduardo D. Spivak
Sci. Mar. 74(1) : 7-24
Effects of environmental variability on recruitment and bioeconomic modelling in the Pacific sardine (
Sardinops sagax caerulea
) fishery from Magdalena Bay, Baja California Sur, Mexico
Juan Antonio de Anda-Montañez
Alejandro Ramos-Rodríguez
Susana Martínez-Aguilar
Sci. Mar. 74(1) : 25-35
Body morphometrics, swimming diversity and niche in demersal sharks: a comparative case study from the Mediterranean Sea
Umberto Scacco
Gabriele La Mesa
Marino Vacchi
Sci. Mar. 74(1) : 37-53
Influence of the NAO on the northwestern Mediterranean wave climate
Bartomeu Cañellas
Alejandro Orfila
Fernando Méndez
Alberto Álvarez
Joaquín Tintoré
Sci. Mar. 74(1) : 55-64
Boat seines in Greece: Landings profiles and identification of potential métiers
Stelios Katsanevakis
Christos D. Maravelias
Vassiliki Vassilopoulou
John Haralabous
Sci. Mar. 74(1) : 65-76
Population identification of common cuttlefish (
Sepia officinalis
) inferred from genetic, morphometric and cuttlebone chemistry data in the NE Mediterranean Sea
Cemal Turan
Deniz Yaglioglu
Sci. Mar. 74(1) : 77-86
Rocky intertidal macrobenthic communities across a large-scale estuarine gradient
Luis Giménez
Ana Inés Borthagaray
Marcel Rodríguez
Alejandro Brazeiro
Alvar Carranza
Sci. Mar. 74(1) : 87-100
Effects of the invasive macroalga
Lophocladia lallemandii
on the diet and trophism of
Pinna nobilis
(Mollusca: Bivalvia) and its guests
Pontonia pinnophylax
Nepinnotheres pinnotheres
(Crustacea: Decapoda)
Miguel Cabanellas-Reboredo
Andreu Blanco
Salud Deudero
Silvia Tejada
Sci. Mar. 74(1) : 101-110
Phylogenetic analysis of
(Maldanidae: Polychaeta), with description of a new species from southeastern Brazil
José Eriberto De Assis
Martin Lindsey Christoffersen
Paulo da Cunha Lana
Sci. Mar. 74(1) : 111-120
Age, growth and mortality of the toadfish,
Halobatrachus didactylus
(Schneider, 1801)(Pisces: Batrachoididae), in the Bay of Cádiz (southwestern Spain)
José Luis Palazón-Fernandez
Jennifer C. Potts
Charles S. Manooch III
Carmen Sarasquete
Sci. Mar. 74(1) : 121-130
Four new species of
(Anthozoa: Octocorallia: Primnoidae) from Antarctic waters
Rebeca Zapata-Guardiola
Pablo J. López-González
Sci. Mar. 74(1) : 131-146
Hard-bottom succession of subtidal epibenthic communities colonizing hidden and exposed surfaces off northern Chile
Aldo S. Pacheco
Jürgen Laudien
Martin Thiel
Olaf Heilmayer
Marcelo Oliva
Sci. Mar. 74(1) : 147-154
On the performance of fish stock parameters derived from VIT pseudo-cohort analysis
Hans-Joachim Rätz
Anna Cheilari
Jordi Lleonart
Sci. Mar. 74(1) : 155-162
Ecology of megabenthic bivalve communities from sandy beaches on the south coast of Portugal
Marta M. Rufino
Miguel B. Gaspar
Alexandre M. Pereira
Francesc Maynou
Carlos C. Monteiro
Sci. Mar. 74(1) : 163-178
The El Masnou infralittoral sedimentary environment (Barcelona province, NW Mediterranean Sea): morphology and Holocene seismic stratigraphy
Gemma Ercilla
Ferran Estrada
David Casas
Ruth Durán
Marta Nuez
Belén Alonso
Marcel·lí Farrán
Sci. Mar. 74(1) : 179-196
Obituary: Agustí Julià i Brugués (1940-2009)
Jordi Salat
Sci. Mar. 74(1) : 197-201
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