Sci. Mar. 86(2): 2022
Communities of corals and crustose coralline algae of the Jardines de la Reina National Park, Cuba: global stressors and resilience (2001-2017)
Leslie Hernández-Fernández
Martín Merino-Ibarra
Felipe Matos Pupo
Roberto González-De Zayas
Sci. Mar. 86(2) : 30-30 - DOI: 10.3989/scimar.05190.030
Predicting the breeding hotspots of the southern right whale,
Eubalaena australis
(Cetartiodactyla: Mysticeti), along the southern Brazilian coastline
Eduardo Pires Renault-Braga
Karina R. Groch
Paulo C. Simőes-Lopes
Sci. Mar. 86(2) : 31-31 - DOI: 10.3989/scimar.05223.031
A cryptic species of
(Bivalvia: Pharidae) from the southeastern Pacific coast revealed by geometric morphometric methods
Javier H. Signorelli
Berenice Trovant
Federico Márquez
Sci. Mar. 86(2) : 32-32 - DOI: 10.3989/scimar.05241.032
Biological parameters, ecology and population trends of the Mediterranean endemic skate,
Raja polystigma
, in the Balearic Islands
Francesca Ferragut-Perello
Maria Valls
Miquel A. Cortes-Pujol
Sergio Ramirez-Amaro
Beatriz Guijarro
Francesc Ordines
Sci. Mar. 86(2) : 33-33 - DOI: 10.3989/scimar.05234.033
Effects of sediment organic matter on mortality, growth and development of the polychaetes
Capitella teleta
sp. (Annelida: Capitellidae) in laboratory conditions
Nuria Méndez
Sci. Mar. 86(2) : 34-34 - DOI: 10.3989/scimar.05208.034
Effects on faunistic composition and population characteristics of decapod crustaceans after the implementation of a fisheries no-take area in the NW Mediterranean
Andrea Padilla
Laura Recasens
Marc Balcells
Ulla Fernández de Arcaya
Pere Abelló
Sci. Mar. 86(2) : 35-35 - DOI: 10.3989/scimar.05245.035
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