Sci. Mar. 85(1): 2021
Soundscape of protected and unprotected tropical Atlantic coastal coral reefs
Alfredo Borie
Sergio Magalhăes Rezende
Beatrice Padovani Ferreira
Mauro Maida
Craig Radford
Paulo Travassos
Sci. Mar. 85(1) : 5-14 - DOI: 10.3989/scimar.05052.001
The elephant in the room: first record of invasive gregarious species of serpulids (calcareous tubeannelids) in Majorca (western Mediterranean)
Maël Grosse
Roberto Pérez
Mateo Juan-Amengual
Joan Pons
María Capa
Supplementary material
Sci. Mar. 85(1) : 15-28 - DOI: 10.3989/scimar.05062.002
Behaviour and body patterns of
Octopus vulgaris
facing a baited trap: first-capture assessment
Marta Dominguez-Lopez
Guillermo Follana-Berná
Pablo Arechavala-Lopez
Supplementary material
Sci. Mar. 85(1) : 29-38 - DOI: 10.3989/scimar.05065.003
Population biology of sympatric species of
(Amphipoda: Caprellidae) in a tropical algal bed
Daniela Rejane de Paula
Karla Vanessa Souza Cunha
Isabela Corsini Pereira Garcia
Samara de Paiva Barros-Alves
Giuliano Buzá Jacobucci
Sci. Mar. 85(1) : 39-47 - DOI: 10.3989/scimar.05065.004
Ommastrephid squid spawning in the North Sea: oceanography, climate change and species range expansion
Christopher J. Barrett
Eleanor MacLeod
Daniel Oesterwind
Vladimir Laptikhovsky
Sci. Mar. 85(1) : 49-56 - DOI: 10.3989/scimar.05065.005
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