Sci. Mar. 81(1): 2017
Trophic ecology of the European hake in the Gulf of Lions, northwestern Mediterranean Sea
Capucine Mellon-Duval
Mireille Harmelin-Vivien
Luisa Métral
Véronique Loizeau
Serge Mortreux
David Roos
Jean-Marc Fromentin
Sci. Mar. 81(1) : 7-18 - DOI: 10.3989/scimar.04356.01A
Identification of a non-native
species (Perciformes: Sciaenidae) from the Gulf of Cádiz (southwestern Spain) and data on its current status
Rafael Bañón
Alberto Arias
Diego Arana
Jose A. Cuesta
Sci. Mar. 81(1) : 19-26 - DOI: 10.3989/scimar.04494.21A
Modelling the occurrence of postflexion stages of a marine estuarine-dependent fish in temperate South African estuaries
Yanasivan Kisten
Nadine A. Strydom
Renzo Perissinotto
Sourav Paul
Sci. Mar. 81(1) : 27-35 - DOI: 10.3989/scimar.04521.05A
Environmental influences on commercial oceanic ommastrephid squids: a stock assessment perspective
Jintao Wang
Xinjun Chen
Kisei Tanaka
Jie Cao
Yong Chen
Sci. Mar. 81(1) : 37-47 - DOI: 10.3989/scimar.04497.25B
Tidal and seasonal influences in dolphin habitat use in a southern Brazilian estuary
Renan Lopes Paitach
Paulo César Simões-Lopes
Marta Jussara Cremer
Sci. Mar. 81(1) : 49-56 - DOI: 10.3989/scimar.04495.25A
Sexual dimorphism and associated population characteristics in the benthopelagic shrimp
Pasiphaea sivado
(Crustacea: Caridea: Pasiphaeidae)
Daniela Silveira Simão
José Luís Pérez Gil
Pere Abelló
Sci. Mar. 81(1) : 57-66 - DOI: 10.3989/scimar.04378.20A
Spatiotemporal bioeconomic performance of artificial shelters in a small-scale, rights-based managed Caribbean spiny lobster (
Panulirus argus
) fishery
Maren Headley
Juan Carlos Seijo
Álvaro Hernández
Alfonso Cuevas Jiménez
Raúl Villanueva Poot
Sci. Mar. 81(1) : 67-79 - DOI: 10.3989/scimar.04492.08A
Northernmost record of the pantropical portunid crab
Cronius ruber
in the eastern Atlantic (Canary Islands): natural range extension or human-mediated introduction?
José A. González
Raül Triay-Portella
Aitor Escribano
José A. Cuesta
Sci. Mar. 81(1) : 81-89 - DOI: 10.3989/scimar.04551.17B
Multi-scale analysis of hermatypic coral assemblages at Mexican Central Pacific
Joicye Hernández-Zulueta
Fabián A. Rodríguez-Zaragoza
Rubén Araya
Ofelia Vargas-Ponce
Alma P. Rodríguez-Troncoso
Amílcar L. Cupul-Magaña
Leopoldo Díaz-Pérez
Eduardo Ríos-Jara
Marco Ortiz
Supplementary Material
Sci. Mar. 81(1) : 91-102 - DOI: 10.3989/scimar.04371.12A
Low clonal propagation in Atlantic and Mediterranean populations of the red gorgonian
Paramuricea clavata
Joanna Pilczynska
Joana Boavida
Silvia Cocito
Chiara Lombardi
Andrea Peirano
Henrique Queiroga
Sci. Mar. 81(1) : 103-110 - DOI: 10.3989/scimar.04473.05A
Variability of macrofauna distribution along a dissipative log-spiral sandy beach in Rio de Janeiro, Southeastern Brazil
Carlos A.M. Barboza
Tatiana Cabrini
Gustavo Mattos
Viviane Skinner
Ricardo Cardoso
Sci. Mar. 81(1) : 111-120 - DOI: 10.3989/scimar.04467.03A
Effect of trampling and digging from shellfishing on
Zostera noltei
(Zosteraceae) intertidal seagrass beds
Joxe Mikel Garmendia
Mireia Valle
Ángel Borja
Guillem Chust
Dae-Jin Lee
J. Germán Rodríguez
Javier Franco
Sci. Mar. 81(1) : 121-128 - DOI: 10.3989/scimar.04482.17A
Cost-benefit of three different methods for studying Mediterranean rocky benthic assemblages
Natàlia Sant
Eglantine Chappuis
Conxi Rodríguez-Prieto
Montserrat Real
Enric Ballesteros
Supplementary Material
Sci. Mar. 81(1) : 129-138 - DOI: 10.3989/scimar.04463.04A
Antoni Ballester i Nolla (16 May 1920-15 February 2017)
Josefina Castellvi Piulachs
Sci. Mar. 81(1) : 139-140 - DOI: 10.3989/scimar.04629.09B
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