Sci. Mar. 80(2): 2016

Spatiotemporal variations of live coral cover in the northern Mesoamerican Reef System, Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico

Linda M. Barranco, José D. Carriquiry, Fabián A. Rodríguez-Zaragoza, Amílcar L. Cupul-Magaña, Julio A. Villaescusa and Luis E. Calderón-Aguilera

Supplementary material

Sci. Mar. 80(2) : 143-150 - DOI: 10.3989/scimar.04294.23A Abstract PDF
Habitat partitioning by juvenile fishes in a temperate estuarine nursery, South Africa
Carla Edworthy and Nadine Strydom
Sci. Mar. 80(2) : 151-161 - DOI: 10.3989/scimar.04333.01B Abstract PDF
Stock enhancement by hatchery-released turbot, Psetta maxima, in the southeastern Black Sea: capture, migration, growth and diet analyses
Orhan Ak, Binnur Ceylan, İlhan Aydin, Hamza Polat, Ercan Küçük, Oğuzhan Eroğlu and Kostas Kapiris
Sci. Mar. 80(2) : 163-174 - DOI: 10.3989/scimar.04324.25A Abstract PDF
Selection of landmarks and semilandmarks in fishes for geometric morphometric analyses: a comparative study based on analytical methods
Marc Farré, Víctor M. Tuset, Francesc Maynou, Laura Recasens and Antoni Lombarte
Sci. Mar. 80(2) : 175-186 - DOI: 10.3989/scimar.04280.15A Abstract PDF
Characterization of the spawning area of tuna species on the northern Tunisian coasts
Wael Koched, Francisco Alemany, Benmessaoud Rimel and Abdallah Hattour
Sci. Mar. 80(2) : 187-198 - DOI: 10.3989/scimar.04332.27A Abstract PDF
Natural mortality of three commercial penaeid shrimps (Litopenaeus vannamei, L. stylirostris and Farfantepenaeus californiensis) of the Gulf of California using gnomonic time divisions
Fernando Aranceta-Garza, Francisco Arreguín-Sánchez, Germán Ponce-Díaz and Juan Carlos Seijo
Sci. Mar. 80(2) : 199-206 - DOI: 10.3989/scimar.04326.29A Abstract PDF
Efficiency of artificial collectors for quantitative assessment of sea urchin settlement rates
Marc Balsalobre, Owen S. Wangensteen, Creu Palacín, Sabrina Clemente and José Carlos Hernández

Supplementary material

Sci. Mar. 80(2) : 207-216 - DOI: 10.3989/scimar.04252.13A Abstract PDF
Modulation of gregarious settlement of the stalked barnacle, Pollicipes pollicipes: a laboratory study
Sofia C. Franco, Nick Aldred, Teresa Cruz and Anthony S. Clare
Sci. Mar. 80(2) : 217-228 - DOI: 10.3989/scimar.04342.01A Abstract PDF
Predicting Pollicipes pollicipes (Crustacea: Cirripedia) abundance on intertidal rocky shores of SW Portugal: a multi-scale approach based on a simple fetch-based wave exposure index
David Jacinto and Teresa Cruz
Sci. Mar. 80(2) : 229-236 - DOI: 10.3989/scimar.04330.27A Abstract PDF
Tropical coral reef system hydrodynamics in the western Gulf of Mexico
Mayra Lorena Riveron-Enzastiga, Noel Carbajal and David Salas-Monreal
Sci. Mar. 80(2) : 237-246 - DOI: 10.3989/scimar.04259.15B Abstract PDF
Photo-physiological performance and short-term acclimation of two coexisting macrophytes (Cymodocea nodosa and Caulerpa prolifera) with depth
Fernando Tuya, Séfora Betancor, Federico Fabbri, Fernando Espino and Ricardo Haroun
Sci. Mar. 80(2) : 247-259 - DOI: 10.3989/scimar.04391.07A Abstract PDF
Evidence of coastal dune mobility increases over the last half century in response to historical human intervention
Marina Navarro-Pons, Juan J. Muñoz-Pérez, Jorge Román-Sierra and Santiago García
Sci. Mar. 80(2) : 261-272 - DOI: 10.3989/scimar.04336.16A Abstract PDF
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