Sci. Mar. 69(2): 2005
Size structure of the planktonic community in microcosms with different levels of turbulence
Andrés Cózar
Fidel Echevarría
Sci. Mar. 69(2) : 187-197
Spawn and larval development of
Pleuroploca aurantiaca
(Lamarck, 1816) (Gastropoda: Fasciolariidae) from Northeast Brazil
Carlos A. O. Meirelles
Helena Mattews-Cascon
Sci. Mar. 69(2) : 199-204
Egg masses of
Sepietta oweniana
(Cephalopoda: Sepiolidae) collected in the Catalan Sea
Adrianne Deickert
Giambattista Bello
Sci. Mar. 69(2) : 205-209
Fecundity and spawning of
Abralia verany
(Rüppell, 1844) (Cephalopoda: Enoploteuthidae) in the Aegean Sea
Alp Salman
Vladimir Laptikhovsky
Sci. Mar. 69(2) : 211-214
Vanadium, rubidium and potassium in
Octopus vulgaris
(Mollusca: Cephalopoda)
Sónia Seixas
Graham Pierce
Sci. Mar. 69(2) : 215-222
Habitat use by the pearly razorfish,
Xyrichtys novacula
(Pisces: Labridae)
Stelios Katsanevakis
Sci. Mar. 69(2) : 223-229
Age and growth of round sardinella (
Sardinella aurita
) in the northeastern Mediterranean
Athanassios C. Tsikliras
Emmanuil T. Koutrakis
Konstantinos I. Stergiou
Sci. Mar. 69(2) : 231-240
Age and growth rate of juvenile bluefin tuna
Thunnus thynnus
from the Mediterranean sea (Sicily, Italy)
M. La Mesa
M. Sinopoli
F. Andaloro
Sci. Mar. 69(2) : 241-249
Larval development and growth of the European hake
Merluccius merluccius
in the northwestern Mediterranean
Isabel Palomera
M. Pilar Olivar
Beatriz Morales-Nin
Sci. Mar. 69(2) : 251-258
The utricular otoliths,
, of teleosts: their morphology and relevance for species identification and systematics studies
Carlos A. Assis
Sci. Mar. 69(2) : 259-273
Reproductive aspects of
Microchirus azevia
(Risso, 1810) (Pisces: Soleidae) from the south coast of Portugal
Isabel Afonso-Dias
Catarina Reis
J. Pedro Andrade
Sci. Mar. 69(2) : 275-283
Dynamics of the Namibian hake fleet and management connotations: application of the ideal free distribution
Elizabeth Voges
Ana Gordoa
John G. Field
Sci. Mar. 69(2) : 285-293
Long-term changes in the mean trophic level of Central Chile fishery landings
Hugo Arancibia
Sergio Neira
Sci. Mar. 69(2) : 295-300
Improving selection in south eastern Australian whiting (
spp.) trawls: effects of modifying the body, extension and codend
Matt K. Broadhurst
Damian J. Young
Charles A. Gray
Michael E.L. Wooden
Sci. Mar. 69(2) : 301-311
Contribution of fish farming to the nutrient loading of the Mediterranean
Ioannis Karakassis
Paraskevi Pitta
Michael D. Krom
Sci. Mar. 69(2) : 313-321
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