Sci. Mar. 69(1): 2005
Quantifying RNA and DNA in planktonic organisms with SYBR Green II and nucleases. Part A. Optimisation of the assay
Elisa Berdalet
Cristina Roldán
M. Pilar Olivar
Kristine Lysnes
Sci. Mar. 69(1) : 1-16
Quantifying RNA and DNA in planktonic organisms with SYBR Green II and nucleases. Part B. Quantification in natural samples
Cristina Roldán
M.Pilar Olivar
Sci. Mar. 69(1) : 17-30
Phytoplankton functional groups and harmful algae species in anthropogenically impacted waters of the NW Mediterranean Sea
Magda Vila
Mercedes Masó
Sci. Mar. 69(1) : 31-45
Nanoplankton protists from the western Mediterranean Sea. II. Cryptomonads (Cryptophyceae = Crptomonadea)
Gianfranco Novarino
Sci. Mar. 69(1) : 47-74
Cnidae variability in
Balanophyllia europaea
B. regia
(Scleractinia: Dendrophylliidae) in the NE Atlantic and Mediterranean Sea
Alejandro Terrón-Singler
Pablo J. López-González
Sci. Mar. 69(1) : 75-86
Histological study of the gonadal development of
Ruditapes decussatus
(L.) (Mollusca: Bivalvia) and its relationship with available food
Marina Delgado
Alejandro Pérez Camacho
Sci. Mar. 69(1) : 87-97
Infestation of
Polydora rickettsi
(Polychaeta: Spionidae) in shells of
Crepidula fecunda
(Mollusca: Calyptraeidae) in relation to intertidal exposure at Yaldad Bay, Chiloe, Chile
Carlos Bertrán
Luis Vargas
Pedro Quijón
Sci. Mar. 69(1) : 99-103
Population structure of the seabob shrimp
Xiphopenaeus kroyeri
(Heller, 1862) (Crustacea: Penaeoidea) in the littoral of São Paulo, Brazil
Rodrigo H. Castro
Rogerio C. Costa
Adilson Fransozo
Fernando L. Mantelatto
Sci. Mar. 69(1) : 105-112
Annual growth and age composition of the squat lobster
Cervimunida johni
off northern-central Chile (1996-97)
Hugo Arancibia
Luis A. Cubillos
Enzo Acuña
Sci. Mar. 69(1) : 113-122
Does pleopod setation provide a measure of maturity in female southern rock lobsters
Jasus edwardsii
Caleb Gardner David Mills
Stewart Frusher
Sci. Mar. 69(1) : 123-131
Taxonomic aggregation and redundancy in a tropical macroinfaunal assemblage of the southern Caribbean in the detection of temporal patterns
Angela Inés Guzmán-Alvis
Franklin Carrasco
Sci. Mar. 69(1) : 133-141
Environmental influences on fish assemblage distribution of an estuarine coastal lagoon, Ria de Aveiro (Portugal)
L. Pombo
M. Elliott
J.E. Rebelo
Sci. Mar. 69(1) : 143-159
Bycatch of the pelagic ray
Dasyatis violacea
in Uruguayan longline fisheries and aspects of distribution in the southwestern Atlantic
Andrés Domingo
Roberto C. Menni
Rodrigo Forselledo
Sci. Mar. 69(1) : 161-166
Demersal resource assemblages in the trawl fishing grounds off the Balearic Islands (western Mediterranean)
Enric Massutí
Olga Reñones
Sci. Mar. 69(1) : 167-181
Borja, A. and M. Collins (eds.). 2004. Oceanography and Marine Environment of the Basque Country
Mikel Latasa
Sci. Mar. 69(1) : 183-186
Van Duzer, C. 2004. Floating islands: A global bibliography [with an edition and translation of G.C. Munz's Exercitatio academica de insulis natantibus (1711)]
Miquel Alcaraz
Sci. Mar. 69(1) : 186-186
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