Sci. Mar. 68(1): 2004
Ocean wave mapping from ERS SAR images in the presence of swell and wind-waves
Stéphan Rousseau
Philippe Forget
Sci. Mar. 68(1) : 1-5
Phytodetritus at the sediment-water interface, NW Mediterranean Basin: spatial repartition, living cells signatures, meiofaunal relationships
C. Riaux-Gobin
A. Dinet
G. Dugué
G. Vétion
E. Maria
A. Grémare
Sci. Mar. 68(1) : 7-21
Morphology and LPS content for the estimation of marine bacterioplankton biomass in the Ionian Sea
Rosabruna La Ferla
Angelina Lo Giudice
Giovanna Maimone
Sci. Mar. 68(1) : 23-31
Tintinnids (Protozoa: Ciliophora) of the Büyükçekmece Bay in the Sea of Marmara
Neslíhan Balkis
Sci. Mar. 68(1) : 33-44
Estimation of photosynthesis and calcification rates of
Corallina elongata
Ellis and Solander, 1786, by measurements of dissolved oxygen, pH and total alkalinity
Bouazza El Haïkali
Nathaniel Bensoussan
Jean-Claude Romano
Vincent Bousquet
Sci. Mar. 68(1) : 45-56
Macroalgal biomass and species variations in the Lagoon of Venice (Northern Adriatic Sea, Italy): 1981-1998
Daniele Curiel
Andrea Rismondo
Giorgio Bellemo
Mara Marzocchi
Sci. Mar. 68(1) : 57-67
Zonation patterns of benthic communities in an upwelling area from the western Medierranean (La Herradura, Alboran Sea)
E. Cebrian
E. Ballesteros
Sci. Mar. 68(1) : 69-84
Sibling species of copepods in association with Mediterranean gorgorians
Mercedes Conradi
César Megina
Pablo J. López-González
Sci. Mar. 68(1) : 85-96
, new genus of Chirostylidae (Crustacea: Decapoda: Anomura), with description of three new species
Keiji Baba
Sci. Mar. 68(1) : 97-116
Biomass and elemental composition of eggs and larvae of a mangrove crab,
Sesarma rectum
Randall (Decapoda: Sesarmidae)and comparison to a related species with abbreviated larval development
Klaus Anger
Gloria S. Moreira
Sci. Mar. 68(1) : 117-126
Female reproductive cycle of the Southwestern Atlantic estuarine crab
Chasmagnathus granulatus
(Brachyura, Grapsoidea, Varunidae)
Romina B. Ituarte
E.D. Spivak
T.A. Luppi
Sci. Mar. 68(1) : 127-137
Comparison of the population structure of the fiddler crab
Uca vocator
(Herbst, 1804) from three subtropical mangrove forests
Karine Delevati Colpo
Maria Lucia Negreiros-Fransozo
Sci. Mar. 68(1) : 139-146
Den ecology of
Octopus vulgaris
Cuvier, 1797, on soft sediment: availability and types of shelter
S. Katsanevakis
G. Verriopoulos
Sci. Mar. 68(1) : 147-157
Insular stock identification of
Serranus atricauda
(Pisces: Serranidae) through the presence of
Ceratothoa steindachneri
(Isopoda, Cymothoidae) and
Pentacapsula cutanea
(Myxozoa, Pentacapsulidae) in the Canary Islands
C. Cuyás
J.J. Castro
A.T. Santana-Ortega
E. Carbonell
Sci. Mar. 68(1) : 159-163
Reconstruction of trophic pathways between plankton and the North Iberian sardine (
Sardina pilchardus
) using stable isotopes
Antonio Bode
M.T. Alvarez-Ossorio
P. Carrera
J. Lorenzo
Sci. Mar. 68(1) : 165-178
Body size overlap in industrial and artisanal fisheries for five commercial fish species in the Mediterranean Sea
Konstantinos I. Stergiou
Dimitrios K. Moutopoulos
Georgiois Krassas
Sci. Mar. 68(1) : 179-188
CIESM Atlas of exotic species in the Mediterranean. Vol. 2. Crustaceans: decapods and stomatopods. B. Galil, C. Froglia and P. Noël
Pere Abelló
Sci. Mar. 68(1) : 189-189
El Mar Mediterráneo: recursos vivos y explotación.C. Bas
Francesc Sardà
Sci. Mar. 68(1) : 190-190
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