Sci. Mar. 67(4): 2003
Modelling of the Ebro River plume. Validation with field observations
Marc Mestres
J.P. Sierra
A. Sánchez-Arcilla
J. González del Río
T Wolf
A. Rodriguez
S. Ouillon
Sci. Mar. 67(4) : 379-391
Composition, structure and zonation of intertidal macrofauna in relation to physical factors in microtidal sandy beaches at Río de Janeiro State, Brazil
Valeria Gomes Veloso
Carlos Henrique Soares Caetano
Ricardo Silva Cardoso
Sci. Mar. 67(4) : 393-402
A new species of
Young and Kritzler, 1986 (Polychaeta, Terebellidae) from Brazil
Joao Miguel de Matos Nogueira
Sci. Mar. 67(4) : 403-411
Some litholid crabs (Crustacea, Decapoda, Lithodidae) from the Salomon Islands (SW Pacific Ocean) with the description of a new species
Enrique Macpherson
Sci. Mar. 67(4) : 413-418
Larval development of
Clastotoechus nodosus
(Streets, 1872) (Crustacea: Decapoda: Porcellanidae), under laboratory conditions
Gonzalo Hernández
I. Magán
K. Graterol
J.I. Gaviria
J.A. Bolaños
C. Lira
Sci. Mar. 67(4) : 419-428
Population dynamics and secondary production of the cockle
Cerastoderma edule
(L.) in a backbarrier tidal flat in the Wadden Sea
Montserrat Ramón
Sci. Mar. 67(4) : 429-443
Conventional karyotype and nucleolar organizer regions of the toadfish
Halobatrachus didactylus
(Schneider, 1801) (Pisces: Batrachoididae)
J.L. Palazón
M. Nirchio
C. Sarasquete
Sci. Mar. 67(4) : 445-449
Microsatellite variation in the Mexican rockfish
Sebastes macdonaldi
Axayácatl Rocha-Olivares
R.A. Leal-Navarro
C. Kimbrell
E.A. Lynn
R.D. Vetter
Sci. Mar. 67(4) : 451-460
Reproduction, gonad histology and fecundity of
Aidablennius sphynx
(Pisces: Blenniidae) of the Catalan Sea (North-Western Mediterranean)
Maite Carrassón
Marina Bau
Sci. Mar. 67(4) : 461-469
Preliminary results of the empirical validation of daily increments in otoliths of jack mackerel
Trachurus symmetricus
murphyi (Nichols, 1920) marked with oxytetracycline
Miguel Araya
Marianela Medina
Sci. Mar. 67(4) : 471-475
Contribution of larval growth rate vairability to the recruitment of the Bay of Málaga anchovy (SW Mediterranean) during 2000-2001 spawning seasons
Alberto García
Dolores Cortés
Teodoro Ramírez
Ana Giráldez
Ángel Carpena
Sci. Mar. 67(4) : 477-490
Determination of effective effort on hake
Merluccius merluccius
in a Mediterranean trawl fishery
F. Alemany
F. Álvarez
Sci. Mar. 67(4) : 491-499
Spatial patterns and temporal trends in the fisheries landings of the Messolonghi-Etoliko lagoons (Western Greek Coast)
George Katselis
Constantin Koutsikopoulos
Evagelos Dimitriou
Yiannis Rogdakis
Sci. Mar. 67(4) : 501-511
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