Sci. Mar. 66(3): 2002
Pulsing versus constant supply of nutrients (N, P and Si): effect on phytoplankton, mesozooplankton and vertical flux of biogenic matter
C. Svensen
J.C. Nejstgaard
J.K. Egge
P. Wassmann
Sci. Mar. 66(3) : 189-203
The distribution and biochemical composition of biogenic particles across the subtropical Front in June 1993 (Azores-Madeira region, Northeast Atlantic)
Luigi Vezzulli
Paolo Povero
Mauro Fabiano
Sci. Mar. 66(3) : 205-214
Mesozooplankton features in a frontal area off northern Patagonia (Argentina) during spring 1995 and 1998
Marina Sabatini
Patricia Martos
Sci. Mar. 66(3) : 215-232
Nanoplankton protists from the western Mediterranean Sea. I. Occurrence, ultrastructure, taxonomy and ecological role of the mixotrophic flagellate
Ollicola vangoorii
(Chrysomonadidae = Chrysophyceae p.p.)
Gianfranco Novarino
Emilia Oliva
Sci. Mar. 66(3) : 233-247
SEM study of
Anisakis brevispiculata
Dollfus, 1966 and
Pseudoterranova ceticola
(Deardoff and Overstreet, 1981) (Nematoda: Anisakidae), parasites of the pygmy sperm whale
Kogia breviceps
Elvira Abollo
Santiago Pascual
Sci. Mar. 66(3) : 249-255
A new species of
(Crustacea, Isopoda, Janiridae) from Western Mediterranean
José Castelló
Sci. Mar. 66(3) : 257-264
Pattern of shell utilization by the hermit crab
Paguristes tortugae
(Diogenidae) from Anchieta Island, Southern Brazil
F.L.M. Mantelatto
L.C.C. Domiciano
Sci. Mar. 66(3) : 265-272
Group-synchronous ovarian development, spawning and spermiation in the European sea bass (
Dicentrarchus labrax
L.) could be regulated by shifts in gonadal steroidogenesis
Juan F. Asturiano
Lisa A. Sorbera
Jesús Ramos
David E. Kime
Manuel Carrillo
Silvia Zanuy
Sci. Mar. 66(3) : 273-282
Estimated total abundance and numbers at age of longtail hake (
Macruronus magellanicus
) in the Southwest Atlantic during the years 1987-2000
Analía R. Giussi
Jorge E. Hansen
Otto C. Wöler
Sci. Mar. 66(3) : 283-291
Trophic niche overlap between flatfishes in a nursery area on the Portuguese coast
Henrique N. Cabral
M. Lopes
Ralf Loeper
Sci. Mar. 66(3) : 293-300
The feeding behaviour of some demersal fish species in response to artificial discarding
Ignacio Olaso
Francisco Sánchez
Cristina Rodríguez-Cabello
Francisco Velasco
Sci. Mar. 66(3) : 301-311
Differences in diet between the two largest breeding colonies of Audouin's gulls: the effects of fishery activities
Vittorio Pedrocchi
Daniel Oro
Jacob González-Solís
Xavier Ruiz
Lluís Jover
Sci. Mar. 66(3) : 313-320
The Indo-Pacific striped eel catfish,
Plotosus lineatus
(Thunberg, 1787), (Osteichtyes: Siluriformes), a new record from the Mediterranean
D. Golani
Sci. Mar. 66(3) : 321-323
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