Sci. Mar. 65(3): 2001
The macrofauna associated with the bryozoan Schizoporella unicornis in southeastern Brazil
E.H. Morgado and M.O. Tanaka
Sci. Mar. 65(3) : 173-181 Abstract PDF
Life cycle of the pelagic goby Aphia minuta (Pisces: Gobiidae)
M. Iglesias and B. Morales-Nin
Sci. Mar. 65(3) : 183-192 Abstract PDF
Study on the early larval development and growth of the red porgy, Pagrus pagrus with emphasis on the mass mortalities observed during this phase
Alexis J. Conides and Branko Glamuzina
Sci. Mar. 65(3) : 193-200 Abstract PDF
Metazoan parasites of grey mullets (Teleostea: Mugilidae) from the Mistras Lagoon (Sardinia - western Mediterranean)
Paolo Merella and Giovanni Garippa
Sci. Mar. 65(3) : 201-206 Abstract PDF
The application of species specific DNA-targeted probes and fluorescently tagged lectin to differentiate several species of Pseudo-nitzschia (Bacillophyceae) in Chinhae Bay, Korea
Eun Seob Cho, Jong Gyu Park, Bong Cheol Oh and Yong Chul Cho
Sci. Mar. 65(3) : 207-214 Abstract PDF
Comparative gonadogenesis and hormonal induction of spawning of cultured and wild mediterranean amberjack (Seriola dumerili, Risso 1810)
V. Kozul, B. Skaramuca, B. Glamuzina, N. Glavic and P. Tutman
Sci. Mar. 65(3) : 215-220 Abstract PDF
Isopod fauna, excluding Epicaridea, from the Strait of Gibraltar and nearby areas (Southern Iberian Peninsula)
José Castelló and José Luis Carballo
Sci. Mar. 65(3) : 221-241 Abstract PDF
Seasonal patterns of wind-induced upwelling/downwelling in the Mediterranean Sea
Andrew Bakun and Vera Natalie Agostini
Sci. Mar. 65(3) : 243-257 Abstract PDF
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