Sci. Mar. 64(3): 2000
Age and growth of the southern blue whiting
Micromesistius australis
in the SW Atlantic
M.C. Cassia
Sci. Mar. 64(3) : 269-274
Fecundity of the squid
Loligo vulgaris
, Lamarck, 1798 (Myopsida, Loliginidae) off northwest Africa
V. Laptikhovsky
Sci. Mar. 64(3) : 275-278
Changes in the ichthyofauna of an artificial reef in the southeastern Mediterranean in one decade
E. Spanier
Sci. Mar. 64(3) : 279-284
Sublittoral meiobenthic assemblages from disturbed and non-disturbed sediments in the Balearics
S. Deudero
M. Vincx
Sci. Mar. 64(3) : 285-293
Continental contribution of suspended sediment to an estuary: Ría de Vigo
O. Pazos
M.A. Nombela
F. Vilas
Sci. Mar. 64(3) : 295-302
Variations of the macrobenthic community in a seagrass transplanted area of the Lagoon of Venice
F. Pranovi
D. Curiel
A. Rismondo
M. Marzocchi
Sci. Mar. 64(3) : 303-310
Oxygen consumption of the freshwater crab
Elamenopsis kempi
(Chopra and Das, 1930) from the Garmat-Ali river, Iraq
M.H. Ali
S.D. Salman
A.-H.Y. Al-Adhub
Sci. Mar. 64(3) : 311-317
Influence of the structure of
Posidonia oceanica
meadows modified by bottom trawling on crustacean assemblages: comparison of amphipods and decapods
P. Sánchez-Jerez
C. Barberá-Cebrian
A.A. Ramos-Esplá
Sci. Mar. 64(3) : 319-326
Distribution and structure of the southernmost Caribbean coral reefs: golfo de Urabá, Colombia
J.M. Díaz
G. Díaz-Pulido
J.A. Sánchez
Sci. Mar. 64(3) : 327-336
The exotic crab
Percnon gibbesi
(H. Milne Edwards, 1853) (Decapoda, Grapsidae) in the Central Mediterranean
M. Relini
L. Orsi
V. Puccio
E. Azzurro
Sci. Mar. 64(3) : 337-340
Egg and early larval development of laboratory reared goldblotch grouper,
Epinephelus costae
(Steindachner, 1878) (Pisces, Serranidae)
B. Glamuzina
N. Glavic
P. Tutman
V. Kozul
B. Skaramuca
Sci. Mar. 64(3) : 341-345
Climatological coupling of the thermohaline decadal changes in Central Water of the Eastern North Atlantic
F.F. Pérez
R.T. Pollard
J.F. Read
V. Valencia
A.F. Ríos
Sci. Mar. 64(3) : 347-353
Contribution to the study of the morphology of the teeth of the nursehound
Scyliorhinus stellaris
(Chondrichthyes: Scyliorhinidae)
A. Soldo
J. Dulcic
P. Cetinic
Sci. Mar. 64(3) : 355-356
A pilot experiment of tagging the deep shrimp
Aristeus antennatus
(Risso, 1816)
M. Relini
P. Maiorano
G. D'Onghia
L. Orsi Relini
A. Tursi
M. Panza
Sci. Mar. 64(3) : 357-361
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