Sci. Mar. 64(1): 2000
Pollution influence on bacterial abundance and chlorophyll-
concentration: case study at Idku lagoon, Egypt
E. Siam
M. Ghobrial
Sci. Mar. 64(1) : 1-8
Systematics and distribution of cumaceans collected during BENTAR-95 cruise around South Shetland Islands (Antarctica)
Jordi Corbera
Sci. Mar. 64(1) : 9-28
Larval development of
Cyrtograpsus affinis
(Dana) (Decapoda, Brachyura, Varunidae) from Río de la Plata estuary, reared in the laboratory
E.D. Spivak
J.A. Cuesta
Sci. Mar. 64(1) : 29-47
Measurements of cnidae from sea anemones (Cnidaria: Actiniaria), III: ranges and other measures of statistical dispersion, their interrelations and taxonomic relevance
R.B. Williams
Sci. Mar. 64(1) : 49-68
Distribution of
Euphausia mucronata
at the upwelling area of Peninsula Mejillones, northern Chile: The influence of the oxygen minimum layer
R. Escribano
V. Marin
C. Irribarren
Sci. Mar. 64(1) : 69-77
Fish larvae from the Canary region in autumn
J.M. Rodríguez
Sci. Mar. 64(1) : 79-85
Wind effect as forcing factor controlling distribution and diversity of copepods in a shallow temperate estuary (Solis Grande, Uruguay)
M. Gómez-Erache
W. Norbis
D. Bastreri
Sci. Mar. 64(1) : 87-95
Reproduction of the cutlassfish
Trichiurus lepturus
in the southern Brazil subtropical convergence ecosystem
A. Silva Martins
M. Haimovici
Sci. Mar. 64(1) : 97-105
Capture of
Grammicolepis brachiusculus
Poey, 1873 (Grammicolepididae) off the Canary Islands
J.A. González
V. Rico
J.I. Santana
Sci. Mar. 64(1) : 107-109
Eurytemora americana
Williams, 1906, not
Eurytemora affinis
(Poppe, 1880), inhabits the Bahía Blanca estuary, Argentina
M.S. Hoffmeyer
B.J. Frost
M.B. Castro
Sci. Mar. 64(1) : 111-113
First record of
Holocentrus ascensionis
(Osbeck, 1765) (Osteichthyes: Holocentridae) in the Canary Islands (Central-east Atlantic)
J.J. Castro-Hernández
A.Y. Martín-Gutiérrez
Sci. Mar. 64(1) : 115-116
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