Preliminary report on Echinoidea and Asteroidea (Echinodermata) of the Joint Chilean-German-Italian Magellan "Victor Hensen" Campaign, 17 October - 25 November 1994
A. Larraín, E. Mutschke, A. Riveros and E. Solar

Part of the echinoderm material (Echinoidea and Asteroidea) sampled by 59 Agassiz trawls during the "Victor Hensen" Campaign 1994 is summarized in a preliminary species list. In total, 7 echinoids and 21 asteroids have been determined to species from the area between Paso Ancho and Cape Horn. All of them were known from the area before.

Contents of this volume Sci. Mar. 63(Suppl.1) : 433-438 Back PDF
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