The status of three rare siphonophores (Cnidaria, Hydrozoa) described by Tamiji Kawamura: Bathyphysa japonica, Athorybia longifolia and Forskalia misakiensis
F. Pagès

The holotypes of three species inquirendae siphonophores collected in Japanese waters and described by Tamiji Kawamura were re-examined. It is considered that Bathyphysa japonica is not a valid species because there are no characters that distinguish it from other Bathyphysa species; Athorybia longifolia is an incorrectly described specimen of A. rosacea; and Forskalia misakiensis is a wrongly described and badly preserved specimen, probably of F. edwardsi.

Keywords: Siphonophorae, Tamiji Kawamura, Bathyphysa, Forskalia, Athorybia.
Contents of this volume Sci. Mar. 66(4) : 375-382 Back PDF
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