Age validation of Caulolatilus affinis, Gill 1865 (Pisces: Branchiostegidae) from the Gulf of California using otoliths
Juan F. Elorduy-Garay, Juan G. Díaz-Uribe

Age validation of Caulolatilus affinis, Gill 1865, using whole, burned otoliths was performed on a sample of 5 18 fish (277 males, 218 females, and 23 not sexed) taken from the Bay of La Paz (B.C.S., Mexico) between February 1986 and May 1987. Standard length ranged from 143 mm to 483 mm; ages ranged from 0+ to 15+ years, with the exception of age group 13+. Burning did not change the structure andlor information contained in otoliths. The left and right sagittal otoliths from the same fishes contained the same information, so either one could be used. Growth of otolith is linearly related to growth in length of fish, and could be defined by a single regression line for the whole sample. A single annulus is formed yearly, between September-October and January-February, as demonstrated by the frequency distribution of hyaline edges, which is related to the monthly mean condition factor (CF). Mean back-calculated standard lengths (mm) were: age 1, 173 mm; 2, 209 mm; 3, 235 mm; 4, 256 mm; 5, 273 mm; 6, 289 mm; 7, 303 mm; 8, 317 mm; 9, 329 mm; 10, 338 mm; 1l, 349 mm; 12, 366 mm; 13, 406 mm; 14, 419 mm; 15, 421 mm; for sexes combined. These lengths at age agree quite well to the mean observed lengths at age. It is concluded that whole burned otoliths of C. affinis are an adequate structure for studying age and growth patterns.

Keywords: Age validation, Caulolatilus affinis, otoliths, Gulf of California.
Contents of this volume Sci. Mar. 58(4) : 277-287 Back PDF
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