The Mar Menoris a hypersaline coastal lagoon in the SW Mediterranean. A study of pycnogonidswas based on 52 samples from the different benthic communities found in thelagoon, using 1001 individuals belonging to 5 species (Tanystylumconirostre, Achelia echinata, Ammothella longipes, A. appendiculata and Anoplodactyluspygmaeus), from infralittoral rock communities. Neither the meadows of Cymodoceanodosa, Caulerpa prolifera and Ruppia cirrhosa, nor the softsubstrates revealed the presence of pycnogonids. All 5 species were found inthe proximity of El Estacio channel (the main communication with the Mediterranean), while at sites within the lagoon only the first and last species werefound. These were also the species with the highest population densities. Dataabout the abundance and development stages of the species, the diversity ofsamples and their affinity are reported. A study of the intermediarydevelopment between larva and juvenile is presented for Tanystylumconirostre. 56 (1): 029-033 |