Descripción y ecología de Ligophorus mugilinus (Hargis, 1955) Euzet y Suriano, 1977 (Monogenea: Ancyrocephalinae) en Mugil curema (Val. 1936) de la Isla de Margarita, Venezuela
José Luis Fuentes Z. and Pir Nasir

DESCRIPTION AND ECOLOGY OF Ligophorus mugilinus (HARGIS, 1955) EUZET Y SURIANO, 1477. (MONOGENEA: ANCYROCEPHALINAE) IN Mugil curema (VAL., 1936) OF MARGARITA ISLAND, VENEZUELA.- A redescription of Ligophorus mugilinus (Hargis, 1955) Euzet and Suriano, 1977 [sin. Pseudohaliotrema mugilinus Hargis, 1955] from the gills of Mugil curema (Val.) is given. The monthly infection rate was determined as well as spatial distribution of parasites on the gills. The parasite infection rate and prevalence were studied taking into account the total length of the silver mullet. The monogenean showed preference for the first branchial arch (F = 15.05***, p<0.001), for the medial region (F = 8.59***, p<0.001), the medial area (F = 34.18***, p<0.001) and the external hemibranquial surface (t = 2.46**, p<0.01). It was also established that the infection rate increased with the length of the host (r = 0.25***; p<0.01). Host sex influence was not observed.

Keywords: Ligophorus mugilinus, Monogenea, silver mullet, microecology, spatial distribution, Venezuela
Contents of this volume Sci. Mar. 54(2) : 187-193 Back PDF
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