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Length-weight relationships of 15 mesopelagic shrimp species caught during exploratory surveys off the Canary Islands (central eastern Atlantic)
Airam Guerra-Marrero, Catalina Caballero-Méndez, Ana Espino-Ruano, Lorena Couce-Montero, David Jiménez-Alvarado and José J. Castro - 2024
Sci. Mar. 88(1): 81-81 Abstract PDF
Morphological and molecular evidence of cryptic speciation in sympatric colour morphotypes of Mycale (Carmia) cecilia (Porifera: Poecilosclerida) from the Mexican Pacific
Ana Castillo-Páez, Raúl Llera-Herrera and José Antonio Cruz-Barraza - 2024
Sci. Mar. 88(1): 82-82 Abstract PDF
Enhancing the utility of known-biomass production models: a case study of the Bay of Biscay and Iberian Coast ecoregion
Mohamed Yosri Zanni, Marta Cousido-Rocha, Santiago Cerviño and Maria Grazia Pennino - 2024
Sci. Mar. 88(1): 83-83 Abstract PDF
Taxonomic revision and molecular phylogeny of Pisa (Decapoda: Majoidea: Epialtidae), including the description of a new genus of Pisinae
Isabel Muñoz, J. Enrique García-Raso, José A. Gónzalez, Evandro P. Lopes, António M. dos Santos and Jose A. Cuesta - 2023
Sci. Mar. 87(4): 76-76 Abstract PDF
The non-consumptive economic value of wildlife: the case of three cetacean species
Jazel Ouled-Cheikh, Joan Giménez, Philippe Verborgh, Carolina Jiménez-Torres, Pauline Gauffier, Ruth Esteban and Renaud de Stephanis - 2023
Sci. Mar. 87(4): 77-77 Abstract PDF
Opportunity observation of an Algerian Eddy to the south of Cape Palos (southwestern Mediterranean Sea)
Manuel Vargas-Yáñez, Ricardo F. Sánchez-Leal, Aida Alvera-Azcárate, Charles Troupin, Francina Moya, Enrique Ballesteros, Mariano Serra, Rosa Balbín, Vicenç Moltó and Mª Carmen García-Martínez - 2023
Sci. Mar. 87(3): 70-70 Abstract PDF
Co-management of a high-value species with territorial use rights for fisheries: a spatial bioeconomic approach with environmental variability
Victor Gerardo Vargas-López, Francisco Arreguín-Sánchez, José Luis Gutiérrez-González and Juan Carlos Seijo - 2023
Sci. Mar. 87(3): 71-71 Abstract PDF
Effects of misrepresentative length samples on individual growth and stock condition estimates
Enrique R. Villa-Diharce, Miguel Á. Cisneros-Mata and Evlin A. Ramírez-Félix - 2023
Sci. Mar. 87(2): 62-62 Abstract PDF
Subindividual variability in sea pens (Octocorallia: Pennatulacea)
Francisco J. García-Cárdenas, Carlos M. Herrera and Pablo J. López-González - 2023
Sci. Mar. 87(2): 63-63 Abstract PDF
The molluscan fauna of Chella Bank and surroundings (Western Mediterranean Sea)
José Antonio Caballero-Herrera, Javier Urra, Serge Gofas, Carmen Salas, Patricia Bárcenas, Marina Gallardo-Núñez, Elena Moya-Urbano, Jesús Olivero and José L. Rueda - 2023
Sci. Mar. 87(2): 67-67 Abstract PDF
Predator-prey collapses at the edge of predator distribution: the case of clupeids and common guillemots (Uria aalge) in NW Iberia
Alejandro Martínez-Abraín, Pilar Santidrián Tomillo, Jorge Mouriño, Juan Rodríguez-Silvar and Andrés Bermejo - 2023
Sci. Mar. 87(1): 53-53 Abstract PDF
Reproductive traits exhibited by the paedomorphic gobies exploited in the Majorcan transparent goby fishery (western Mediterranean) and their management implications
Inma Riera-Batle, Enrique Massutí-Pascual, Elena Pastor Gracia, Antonio María Grau Jofre and Amalia Grau Jofre - 2023
Sci. Mar. 87(1): 54-54 Abstract PDF
Effects of six diets on the growth and survival rates of postlarvae of red abalone (Haliotis rufescens) and its hybrid (H. rufescens ♀ × H. fulgens ♂)
Francesco Cicala, Miguel A. Tripp-Valdez, Vincent Montes-Orozco, Gesem. Cervantes-Vazquez and Fabiola Lafarga-De la Cruz - 2023
Sci. Mar. 87(1): 55-55 Abstract PDF
Revalidation of Arnoglossus blachei, a species of flounder from off West Africa, with a redescription of Arnoglossus imperialis from the northeastern Atlantic and Mediterranean (Teleostei: Bothidae)
Ronald Fricke, Sergio Ramírez-Amaro and Francesc Ordines - 2023
Sci. Mar. 87(1): 56-56 Abstract PDF
Biogenic habitats as drivers of invertebrate benthic community variability in Tongoy Bay (SE Pacific coast): implications of macroalga harvesting
Jorge E. González, Beatriz Yannicelli, Fabián A. Rodríguez-Zaragoza and Marco Ortiz - 2023
Sci. Mar. 87(1): 57-57 Abstract PDF
Description of unique live colour patterns as a tool for discriminating hermit crab species in the Iberian Peninsula
Bruno Almón, Eva García-Isarch, Jose A. Cuesta and J. Enrique García-Raso - 2023
Sci. Mar. 87(1): 58-58 Abstract PDF
Rosario Domínguez-Petit, Jorge Enrique Paramo, Fran Saborido-Rey, Arturo Acero P. and Nixon Bahamon - 2022
Sci. Mar. 86(4): 1-8 Abstract PDF
Assessing changes in size at maturity for the European hake (Merluccius merluccius) in Atlantic Iberian Waters
Davinia Lojo, Marta Cousido-Rocha, Santiago Cerviño, Rosario Dominguez-Petit, María Sainza and Maria Grazia Pennino - 2022
Sci. Mar. 86(4): 46-46 Abstract PDF
Reproduction of grey snapper (Teleostei: Lutjanidae) in the southern Gulf of Mexico
Karina del C. Macal-López, Thierry Brulé, Julián René Torres-Villegas, Teresa Colás-Marrufo and Virginia Elena Noh-Quiñones - 2022
Sci. Mar. 86(4): 47-47 Abstract PDF
Spatial variability of life-history parameters of the Atlantic chub mackerel (Scomber colias), an expanding species in the northeast Atlantic
Rosario Domínguez-Petit, María Rosario Navarro, Marta Cousido-Rocha, Jorge Tornero, Fernando Ramos, Alba Jurado-Ruzafa, Cristina Nunes, Carmen Hernández, Andreia V. Silva and Jorge Landa - 2022
Sci. Mar. 86(4): 48-48 Abstract PDF
Influence of maternal effects and temperature on fecundity of Sebastes fasciatus on the Flemish Cap
Francisco González-Carrión and Fran Saborido-Rey - 2022
Sci. Mar. 86(4): 50-50 Abstract PDF
Spawning area of the tropical Skipjack Tuna, Katsuwonus pelamis (Scombridae), in the western Mediterranean Sea
Miguel Angel Puerto, Samar Saber, José María Ortiz de Urbina, María José Gómez-Vives, Salvador García-Barcelona and David Macías - 2022
Sci. Mar. 86(4): 51-51 Abstract PDF
Using fisher’s knowledge to estimate catch and effort in the large-scale octopus fishery on the eastern Campeche Bank (Mexico, NW Atlantic)
Otilio Avendaño, Iván Velázquez-Abunader, Francisco Rocha and Ángel Guerra - 2022
Sci. Mar. 86(3): 37-37 Abstract PDF
Decapod crustacean assemblages on trawlable grounds in the northern Alboran Sea and Gulf of Vera
Cristina Ciércoles, Cristina García-Ruíz, Pere Abelló, Manuel Hidalgo, Pedro Torres, María González, Ángel Mateo-Ramírez and José Luis Rueda - 2022
Sci. Mar. 86(3): 39-39 Abstract PDF
Modelling the spatial population structure and distribution of the queen conch, Aliger gigas, on the Pedro Bank, Jamaica
Ricardo A. Morris, Alvaro Hernández-Flores and Alfonso Cuevas-Jimenez - 2022
Sci. Mar. 86(3): 40-40 Abstract PDF

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