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Dinámica de la pesquería de la sardina de Castellón. Datos de 1967 y 1968
P. Suau and M.G. Larrañeta - 1971
Invest. Pesq. Vol.35(2): 565-588 Abstract PDF
Características morfológicas y merísticas de la merluza argentina (Merluccius merluccius hubbsi)
Alfonso L. Rojo and Dante A.A. Cappezzani - 1971
Invest. Pesq. Vol.35(2): 589-638 Abstract PDF
Estudios sobre la reproducción del ostión, Crassostrea angulata (Lmk), en la Bahía de Cádiz
Emilio Pascual - 1971
Invest. Pesq. Vol.35(2): 639-646 Abstract PDF
Actividad peroxidásica y subfraccionamiento electroforético de mioproteínas de atún,Thunnus thynnus (L.)
Manuel Gutiérrez - 1971
Invest. Pesq. Vol.35(2): 647-654 Abstract PDF
Estudio de la sardina, Sardina pilchardus (Walb.), capturada por la flota pesquera española en aguas de Larache (Marruecos)
Julio Rodríguez-Roda - 1971
Invest. Pesq. Vol.35(2): 655-680 Abstract PDF
Sobre la aparición de una "Purga de mar" en el puerto de Castellón
J.M.ª San Feliu, F. Muñoz and P. Suau - 1971
Invest. Pesq. Vol.35(2): 681-686 Abstract PDF
Distribución del fitoplancton entre Córcega y Barcelona, en relación con la mezcla vertical del agua, en marzo de 1970
Ramon Margalef - 1971
Invest. Pesq. Vol.35(2): 687-698 Abstract PDF
Aguas rojas en las costas catalanas
J. López and P. Arté - 1971
Invest. Pesq. Vol.35(2): 699-708 Abstract PDF
Distribution of anchoveta (Engraulis ringens J.) in relation to the environment
Rómulo S. Jordán - 1971
Invest. Pesq. Vol.35(1): 113-126 Abstract PDF
Benthic biomass in the Pisco, Peru upwelling
Gilbert T. Rowe - 1971
Invest. Pesq. Vol.35(1): 127-136 Abstract PDF
Résultats préliminaires de la campagne "Médiprod I" du Jean Charcot (1-15 Mars et 4-17 Avril 1969)
H.J. Minas - 1971
Invest. Pesq. Vol.35(1): 137-146 Abstract PDF
Photometrie sous-marine: Mesures effectuées pendant la mission Médiprod I
J. Boutler - 1971
Invest. Pesq. Vol.35(1): 147-154 Abstract PDF
Fluctuations d'une année à l'autre dans l'intensité de l'affleurement dans la Mediterranée occidentale
J.M.ª San Feliu and F. Muñoz - 1971
Invest. Pesq. Vol.35(1): 155-160 Abstract PDF
L'affleurement d'eau sur la côte catalane et les indicateurs biologiques (Copépodes)
F. Vives - 1971
Invest. Pesq. Vol.35(1): 161-170 Abstract PDF
Variations in phytoplankton growth associated with the source and conditioning of upwelling water
R.T. Barber, R.C. Dugdale, J.J. MacIsaac and R.L. Smith - 1971
Invest. Pesq. Vol.35(1): 171-194 Abstract PDF
Relationships between particulate organic carbon and microorganisms in upwelling areas off Southwest Africa
L.A. Hobson - 1971
Invest. Pesq. Vol.35(1): 195-208 Abstract PDF
Variations of nitrate réductase activity in marine phytoplankton
T.T. Packard, D. Blasco, J.M. MacIsaac and R.C. Dugdale - 1971
Invest. Pesq. Vol.35(1): 209-220 Abstract PDF
An automated extraction procedure for the determination of ammonia in seawater
J.J. MacIsaac and R.K. Olund - 1971
Invest. Pesq. Vol.35(1): 221-232 Abstract PDF
Denitrification in sediments of the sea off Peru
J.J. Goering and M.M. Pamatmat - 1971
Invest. Pesq. Vol.35(1): 233-242 Abstract PDF
Nutrient excretion by anchovies and zooplankton in pacific upwelling regions
Terry E. Whitledge and T. Packard - 1971
Invest. Pesq. Vol.35(1): 243-250 Abstract PDF
Gross features of the Peruvian upwelling system with special reference to possible diel variation
John J. Walsh, J.C. Kelly, R.C. Dugdale and Bruce W. Frost - 1971
Invest. Pesq. Vol.35(1): 25-42 Abstract PDF
Sampling considerations in upwelling studies
J.C. Kelly - 1971
Invest. Pesq. Vol.35(1): 251-260 Abstract PDF
Sequential statistical analysis of continuous underway oceanographical data
A. Cruzado - 1971
Invest. Pesq. Vol.35(1): 261-268 Abstract PDF
Simple approaches to a pattern analysis of phytoplankton
R. Margalef and M. Estrada - 1971
Invest. Pesq. Vol.35(1): 269-298 Abstract PDF
A computation model for the uptake of nitrate in the Peru upwelling region
R.C. Dugdale and Jane J. MacIsaac - 1971
Invest. Pesq. Vol.35(1): 299-308 Abstract PDF
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