ge Scientia Marina: Investigacion Pesquera

Endosymbionts of mangrove oyster in nature and under cultivation
V.K. Machkevsky

Mangrove oyster Crassostrea tulipa assemblages on mangrove air roots and raft collectors were investigated at the Tabounsu Estuary (Kaloum Peninsula), Konkoure Estuary and rock shore at the Rogbane Village (Republic of Guinea-Conakry). The conditions in this assemblages were distinguished, first of all, by the duration of immersion time. A total of 13 endosymbiont species (parasites and endocommensals) were recorded. There were 6 species of parasites: Aspidogastrea (1), Trematoda (3), Nematoda (1), Protozoa (1), and 7 species of endocommensals: Turbellaria (3), Polychaeta (3),Crustacea (1). The essential factors influencing the formation of the endosymbiont fauna of oysters are: stability of biocenotic relations and the period which oysters spend without water. In natural assemblages the fauna of endosymbionts changed with depth and was most numerous at the low levels than at the high ones. The maximum number of species (10) was observed at the natural oyster assemblages. The oysters at the floats were invaded by 4 species only, but their quantity was 9-162 times more numerous than in natural assemblages. Some species of endosymbionts which are harmful for human health and oyster culture were revealed.

Contents of this volume Sci. Mar. 61(Suppl.2) : 99-107 Back PDF
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