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Present fish productivity and bioproduction potential of the world oceans
P.A. Moiseev

The present level of world catches is considered and the rate annual increment during the last years is analyzed. The total biomass data and the productivity, specially in the nektonic zone, appears to be capable to support a possible increment of the total catches and general productivity. A better development of aquaculture is considered a very important contribution for this growth. For this purpose it is considered to introduce a fishery exploitation according the laws ruling the development and conservation of marine ecosystems. The monoexploitation will be eliminated and the general fishery exploitation will take into account all the ecosystem elementy. In summary it is necessary the change in the fishery management and fishery exploitation to equilibrate the intensity and the exploitation level of the several components of ecosystem.

Keywords: Ocean productivity, fishery potential, aquaculture, fisheries management.
Contents of this volume Sci. Mar. 59(3-4) : 565-569 Back PDF
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