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Factores ambientales que influyen en el crecimiento, producción y desprendimiento de biomasa en praderas naturales de Gelidium sesquipedale (Clem.) Born. et Thur. en el País Vasco (N. de España)
Ángel Borja

ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS AFFECTING GROWTH, PRODUCTION AND BIOMASS CASTS OF NATURAL BEDS OF Gelidium sesquipedale (CLEM.) BORN. ET THUR. IN THE BASQUE COUNTRY (N OF SPAIN).- In order to manage the harvesting of G. sesquipedale some variables have been studied: biomass and environmental factors affecting productivity, growth and production. Variations of biomass with light, temperature (both positive action) and wind (negative action or casting off) were established in wild populations. Biomass increased in the summer season due to a large ramification of the algae, favoured by light. This effect was more important at shallow depths. On rocky substrata settled artificially, it was shown that there is one period of recruitment, from November to April. The most important period of growth was between March and August, with growth rates of 7-10 cm.yr-l. The daily biomass growth rates were 0.5-3 % .day-l, and daily lenght growth rates were 0.1-0,67 % .day-l, depending on depth. Production was 0.4-0.9 Kg DW. m-2. yr-l and turnover rates oscillated between 2 and 3 times per year, both depending on depth.

Keywords: Gelidium sesquipedale, epiphytes, biomass cycle, temperature, irradiance, wind, growth, production.
Contents of this volume Sci. Mar. 58(3) : 251-260 Back PDF
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