ge Scientia Marina: Investigacion Pesquera

Two new species of Syllidae (Polychaeta) from Japan
Mª Teresa Aguado, Guillermo San Martín, Eijiroh Nishi

Two new species of Japanese Syllidae (Polychaeta) belonging to the genera Haplosyllis Langerhans, 1879 and Syllis Lamarck, 1818 are described. Haplosyllis crassicirrata n. sp. is characterized by its distinctly spindle-shaped thick dorsal cirri, with yellow granular inclusions, two unequal simple chaetae per parapodium, and the shape of the chaetae. Syllis marugani n. sp. is characterized by its distinct orange colour (in ethanol preserved specimens), long and broad dorsal cirri, compound chaetae having robust shafts in the posterior part of the body, and short blades strongly bidentate.

Keywords: Haplosyllis, Syllis, Syllidae, polychaetes, taxonomy, systematics.
Contents of this volume Sci. Mar. 70S3 : 9-16 Back PDF
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